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Paul pov~
"So Paul, what you're gonna do when you get out of here tomorrow?" My cell mate Chuck asked.

"Get a job, by a house, and try to finally meet my kids"

"Kids? I never knew you had kids"

"I already had one before I got in here, but I found out I had another one last year, from a woman I dated for like 6 months"

"What's their name?"

"Sabrina and Sadie"

"Wait!! So they have different mothers?"


My cell mate laughed hysterically.

"What's so fucking funny?" I asked

"Wait till your kids find out you're a fucking murderer man" Chuck said continuing to laugh.

"Don't get your ass kicked, before I leave here Chuck" I said laughing

"I'm kidding man, I'm kidding, but they will find out eventually"

"Yeah, I guess you right about that"

"Also stay away from Bars and alcohol, pretty sure you don't want to do another 10 years"

"Okay Chuck I hear you, I'm not the same guy I was 10 years ago"

"I hope not bro, just think about your kids whenever you get mad"

"Yeah that's not a bad idea actually"

"HEY!! GO TO SLEEP" the guard shouted.

"Fuck You" Chuck whispered making us both laugh.

Next morning
"Paul, do you have anywhere to go or anyone to pick you up?" The guard asked

"I have somewhere to go, I just don't have anyone to pick me up"

"Okay we'll get you a taxi here to take you to your destination, we'll also pay for it"

"Wow! That's the nicest thing you all did for me ever"! I laughed.

"Yeah, don't get use to it"

My taxi came and I told him the address to take me to. I didn't tell any family or friends that I was coming home today. I decided to go to my little brother house first cause I'm gonna need somewhere to crash till I land on my feet. I hope he's cool with that. I got out of my taxi and walked to the doorstep.

"Please don't turn out to be a dick" I mumbled before knocking on the door.

I knocked four times, before someone finally open the door.

"May I help you?" Some girl crack the door open half naked

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"May I help you?" Some girl crack the door open half naked.

"Yeah I'm looking for Troy" I answered.

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