Walking out the doors of my job, saying bye to fellow coworkers & them wishing me a safe journey home, I was smiling out on the outside but I was tired & aching on the in. It was a late night coming home from work , I didn't want to do anything but look at the back of my eyelids & listen to some music on the way home. The bus arrived & came to a gracious stop. I boarded the bus humbly.
I paid my fare & scanned the bus for a vacant seat. Ah, there I found a seat in the back, hidden from all of the people, hidden from the eye of society. I sat down & sighed with relief. I then popped my headphones in & prepared for a sleep that would make the dead tired. As I begin to close my eyes & lay my head on the window , a familiar face caught my eyes just before they slammed shut.An old friend from high school .
He said , "Duwan , is that you?"
I replied, "What's up man, how are you?"
He said, "Okay, man, what about you ?"
I said , "Good"
He was one seat away with an empty seat between us .. I looked at my phone to give him a gesture that I didn't want to be bothered anymore. I figured it was a hi & bye & that was it. Boy did I think wrong.
He began to speak words into my brain as I tried ignore him. I carried the conversation for a few seconds until someone sat between us. I never been more happy. Thank you stranger! I almost wanted to kiss this random lady for cutting off this unwanted conversation. I just wanted sleep.
I expected him to turn forward & forget about me & the conversation. There emerging from the back of the lady's head was him , he stood up & shuffled his way through the aisle & sat in the vacant seat next to me. He was now centimeters away from me.
My anger ruptured
He continued his words, I barely said anything as the bus began to move.
I figured this was a long ride ahead of me.He spoke of everything since he graduated along with me , I barely showed interest by texting people on my phone I hadn't texted in centuries.
He spoke & spoke as the bus jumped & shook through the streets of New York, I deeply annoyed.
I wanted to punch him .
I wanted to get off the bus & walk home
But there I sit, calm & motionless like a tiger waiting for it and it's dinnerHe spoke of events since the graduation day, I nodded & threw my eyebrows up occasionally like I was interested, but I wasn't. I continue to look at my phone screen as if someone was about to call. No one ever did. He took a brief pause & began to speak some more, but this time something changed, his tone, it made me turn my head. He began to speak of sadness
He told me of his unfortunate events these past few months of how his mother kicking him out, him supporting his girlfriend with the little money has, him not having a stable job, jumping from house to house, possibly becoming homeless soon, he spoke of of his endeavors in this world.
I locked my phone & felt the pain in his words.
I found the most beautiful part of his story is that he has nothing but he is giving his everything to his woman. Again, someone who has NOTHING but tries to give everything . That is magical
I began to listen. He told me more of his woes & his pain. I listened to every word that left his mouth.
His stop was approaching. I unlocked my phone & typed in his number. Funny how I was using this phone to ignore him now I am using it to help him .
I wanted to aid him to get back on his feet. I offered him a job & essentials to get him started. I offered moral support & friendship.
We both graduated
Same day
Same hour2 men, 2 lives, gone 2 different ways
Value the little things in life readers
I don't feel better than him but maybe more equal to him. I felt thankful for what I have & lucky to have gotten on the same bus as him.Stay humble no matter how tragic life gets. Remember, someone has it worse. Sometimes we are in control of what happens to us, sometimes we aren't.
Life is a gift that can be easily unwrapped