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Btw, there won't be any descriptions for what your stand looks like
I feel like since it's a representation of your soul, I shouldn't decide what it looks like, y'know?
I guess just make sure it's a humanoid stand, for the sake of the story

Idk lol

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

It was after school had just ended.
I was walking out of the school, going in the direction of home.
I wouldn't be walking home today, though.
I'd be walking to Josuke's.

To give you some background:
Josuke's mom and I had texted about tutoring.
She knew I was the one Josuke had over a couple days prior, and she even said she was glad someone Josuke knows would be tutoring him.
We planned a tutoring session Monday after school, and today just happens to be Monday.
So, in short, I'm walking to my doom.

Even though I think I acted mostly normal the other day at Josuke's house, he's still my crush,
and I'm still a nervous wreck.
Maybe I'll stumble on my words- so much so he can't understand me.
Maybe I won't know how to do a problem he asks me to explain.
Maybe I'll just, I don't know, fall and die. Embarrassing.

There are endless possibilities. Endless ways this could go wrong.
So, of course, I tried asking Koichi for help during second period.

- Small flashback -

"Koichi, please help.." I whined.
"Hm? With what?" He asked, looking at me from the seat next to mine.
"I'm starting to tutor Josuke... the first session is after school.."
He blinked, "Wait, really? I didn't know you tutored.."
"Well, I don't usually, but- that's not the point! I'm tutoring Josuke, I'll make a fool out of myself!"

He hummed, "You acted pretty normal when we played Mario Kart at his house... sort of. Just do what you did there and you should be fine."
"It'll be just me and him, though! It was easier then because you and Okuyasu were there."
"Ok, um... just. Try to keep in mind that Josuke is a normal person... ish. There's no need to freak out whenever you talk to him, really. Like I said, he's not going to think you're weird, even if you do stutter, or make a couple mistakes. Plus, there's no way you can get anywhere with him in a relationship if you can't talk to him, right..?"
I sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. If I can't hold a conversation with him, there's no way we can be friends, let alone something more. But, really, I don't see why I need to try to be his friend, it's much easier to just.. watch him from afar. Remain a nobody in his eyes, like I've always done. I guess that'll be hard now, though, since I'll be tutoring him..."

Koichi blinked, "You really want to be a stranger to him forever? That's kinda..."
"Sad? It's just a lot less stressful when I don't have to talk to him, or be around him. I don't have to worry about making him think I'm stupid, or making him hate me.."
He paused. "You know, I think I know what your problem is."
"You.. do?" I said.
"Yeah. I don't think you spend enough time with Josuke! You're not comfortable around him at all. Actually, I think tutoring him will be good for you. Just be yourself, and you'll be fine."

- Flashback end -

Be myself?
I've been trying to!
Ughh, this is it, this is my death.
Why did it have to be Josuke...? I could've been assigned to anyone else...
I should've told the teacher I didn't wanna tutor Josuke..

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