" what is the matter? your problem was erased! "

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You looked at your clock, realizing it was turning in a counter clockwise motion. Everything was moving backwards but you, you were immune to the curse?

You turned to face your window, but you saw a blurry figure from the corner of your eye. They seemed to get closer to you by the second, like they didn’t want you to witness what was happening.

They were finally next to you. Before you could even get a glimpse of their face, you were knocked out, everything was black.

Hours passed, or, at least passed backwards. You woke up in an unusual place, not knowing where you were, you started exploring.

That’s when you felt as if someone was watching you. You look in the distance to see the same blurry figure you saw before passing out.

Hello there darling!” The figure said, laughing as they destroyed your timeline.

You shook, standing in place, scared of what was happening. She noticed.

Don’t worry dear, you’re all alone! No one can hear you or help you.” She said, staring at you. Making you uncomfortable.
     “Do you enjoy watching your timeline get erased? It’s such a shame, really. But something was off, might as well start off with something new! Am I right?!” They said, giggling and enjoying watching everyone do everything backwards.

“Who. Are. You?” You said, trying to seem confident.

I’m Timekeeper Cookie. You can call me TImekeeper for short, I’m here to erase and rewind time to stop problems from happening, something was off in your timeline, so of course, I had to rewind. Upsettingly, it didn’t work on you, so you’re stuck here with me!” ‘Timekeeper’ replied.
     “Since there’s nothing to do here, you can either watch me destroy your timeline or try & find others to talk to. By others, I mean other cookies of course!” She said.

They seemed so confident, like this was something they did often, like- they’ve had to do this several times before.
     Because you didn’t want to have to walk around a never ending void to find other ‘cookies’ you sat down and watched her, wishing it worked on you so you didn’t have to go through this.

Clocks turned in unusual ways, people did things backwards, things that spilled seemed to teleport back into the cup, bowl or whatever it was in.
     You felt tears streaming from your eyes as your head filled with all of the memories you had in that timeline, everyone from those memories are being erased, they’ll act like they’ve never existed, like they’ve never met you, or maybe they’ll never exist at all.

Aw dear, why are you crying? The people who have caused you problems are being erased.” Timekeeper said in a comforting voice, walking closer to you as if she wanted to help you.

“My friends, my family, everyone I had good memories with are being erased..” You replied, sniffling.

I see, well I’m deeply sorry, there’s nothing I can do to help, my job is to move everyone to the past or future to stop problems, and it seems I have to rewind time to stop some problems from happening.
     “Wait.. how do you know problems might happen if they haven’t happened yet?”

I’m afraid that’s a secret only I can know.

She walked back to where she was previously standing and continued to rewind time, you sat and watched, tears still falling, as you felt yourself fading though you weren’t.

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