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"Y-young master.."

I hold my breathe as I felt suffocated by the pheromones around us as I walk in his room. I should keep myself together, just few minutes and it's over. That's right, Gulf just do what you must and get out of here. I can see the discomfort and irritation brightly in his face.                     

Mate ...

Mate ...  I'm trying so hard to suppress the wolve inside me that keeps on protesting and screaming. No! I can't let this happen

"Get out." He said as he clenched his fist before avoiding eye contact with me before he shortly glance at me, showing disgust. 

My hands are trembling in fear  but my chest felt a pangs of pain for reason I am not certain of, is it because of the overwhelming scent or maybe because of the fact that he disgust me? I really hate it when his charcoal black eyes looks at me with disgust every time our eyes met. Does he realy hate me that much?

"B-but the master wants you to —"

"Are you deaf or you're just plain stupid? I said get out! A someone like you will never be my mate so get the fck out of here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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