Jeff the Killer x Reader

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How you met

Jeff The Killer

You laid in your bed, tossing and turning.

"dammit" you thought to yourself as you turned to look at the clock on your bedside table. 3:15 am

"I have work in the morning..."

you slowly got out of bed and made your way towards the kitchen. before you even opened the fridge you noticed something was off.

"what the hell?"

you noticed your back door open and a figure standing there...watching you.

you quickly grabbed a knife from the drawer closest to you and approached the odd thing in the doorway. your hands shook as you held the knife tightly.

"what a great time for my family to be on 'vacation'..."

the closer you got the better you were able to see who it was.

the man had long unkept black hair, ghostly white skin and large black rings around his unblinking eyes. it was the infamous jeff the killer.

before you were able to mutter a single word he spoke up first.


jeff suddenly collapsed on the ground.

you stood there, unable to move. your mind raced with what to do. you turned your attention to the unconscious killer on your kitchen floor. he was beautiful.

"jesus fucking christ"

you grabbed his arms and dragged him to the living room. you laid him down onto the couch. you pulled off his converse shoes, blood stained hoodie and confiscated his knife, just in case. you brought down your comforter and wrapped him up in it.

you went back into the kitchen, closed the back door and rummaged through the fridge. you pulled out some bottled water and fresh strawberries.

you slowly crept back towards jeff and placed the contents from the refrigerator on the table in front of him.

you yawned and grabbing his knife and hoodie you went up to bed. you placed jeffs things under your bed, locked the door and tried to get comfortable in the spare blanket you always have in your room.

"what a fucking night" you thought as you fell asleep at last.

A/N so I thought I'd give this type of story a try, I will be updating it frequently! comments, critiques always welcome :D

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now