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[Name] POV:

Right after I passed out I felt myself lift from the ground. I felt like I was flying? Or sliding on something..

Just moments after I opened my eyes to see what was happening. I woke up to see myself falling.

"待って!!-" I screamed as i brased myself for the fall.


Now, I was expecting myself to be in pain. But instead I was greeted by the softness of a pillow

I opened my eyes to see what was going on. Only to be greeted by a bunch of colorful stuffed toys like Zero, a stuffed toy of my own.

"Uh.. guys, that doesn't look like an ugly doll.." An orange one said.

"She's so..... cute!" A pink one exclaimed.

At this point I'm beyond confused. Who are these people? Why am I here??...

"ええと、あなたは誰ですか?" I asked in Japanese which made the people around you confused.

"O-oh! I'm sorry, well... I asked 'who are you'." I translated, which made them give you an understanding look, while some gave me a hum of understandment.

I figured out that these dolls aren't Japanese, which wasn't really a problem, since I already knew English.

Just as the scenario continues, a green bunny looking doll makes his way towards me. This caused Zero to act up and growl at him.

"W-woah there! Umm.. hello! My name is Ox!" 'Ox' said as he held out his hand to get me down from the orange tortoise.

"Hello.... My name is [Name]." I got down and bowed at everyone around me.

"Please take care of me." I explaimed as I shyly brought Zero up to closer and up to me, to hide my flushed face.

Some dolls were confused on why I said that but paid no mind as they cheered, which surely did surprise me.

"Well! Welcome to 'UglyVille' friend!" Ox explaimed.

"Well make sure you love it here!" The pink doll explaimed as well.


That was good wasn't it? I hope it was.. sorry the chapter was so short. I started it at school and ended it at night when I had the chance to go home.(I was out somewhere)

Anyways. I made some art for our precious little [Name]<3

 I made some art for our precious little [Name]<3

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From: -20FTC0R3-

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