How It All Happened

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     The names Arya Black. I'm 16 years old and I go to Ocean Dale High. I'm bisexual and currently with a basketball player. This is my we got our future together.
     Let's beginning may, I think that's a good start.
~May 2022~
     ~Monday the 9th~
     I woke up early to take my dog out. I hurried and did that to get ready for school.
     I got to school and went to first period as always. Once I got there, I waited on her. There she was...skylene. I see her every morning before first period officially begins. We don't talk a whole lot in the morning but I do enjoy seeing her.
     As the day passes through I do text her a little, but mainly when I talk about coming into her 4th period. We'd have so much fun together....and I realized at this point I couldn't keep my feelings for her inside any longer.
     That night I talked to out friend Braxton about my problem. Honestly he asked a lot of questions about it, but he said and did some things that helped me out some.
     I had some courage, so I told her...only I didn't use her name. Was it weird that I did that, yea probably but I still did.
     "Hey Arya"
     She answered...she actually answered.
     "Hey Sky, I wanted to talk to you about something."
     "Yea sure what's up"
     "So there's this girl Sera and I like really like her. She's smart, and funny, and we are always talking and joking around. I've always tried to act like I don't have feelings for her because then I actually have to process that mess, but she's so great. I honestly really like her personality and enjoy talking to her, but I don't know what to do."
     "Well you should tell her"
     "I don't know if I have the confidence to do so."
     We talked about it and she even tried guessing who it was once I finally admitted she knew her and her name wasn't Sera.
     "It's me"
     "The only girl in your class you didn't name"
     "Yea that's true"
     She asked some questions about it and I answered. She seemed to like what I had said about her. It's a good thing I at least told her how I feel about her...even if she doesn't feel the same way towards me.
~Tuesday the 10th~
     I wanted to act like I didn't say anything, but that was quite hard. Our friends picked on us, others found out in do time as well.
     Skylene and I had talked about many things today. We didn't really talk a lot of yesterday though. Our dear friend Braxton made fun of us and kept getting hit for it
     *Cough Cough* Sooo how about this
     We both looked at him. He wasn't the only one that noticed the slight awkward silence with me and skylene in person.
     "I have no idea what your talking about B"
     We all knew this made things just a little bit weird, but we all still talked and acted like we did once before. Just friends.
     Me and sky end up texted a lot that night.
     "Quick question"
     "What's up with you and basketball players."
     As I thought about that question we talked about other things as well. She made me smile harder than I have ever smiled before.
     We talked about home life, school, our friends that would be cute together. This was all I needed honestly.
     We then talked about us and getting together. This was something that made me very happy indeed.
     After awhile we finally decided to get some sleep, and so we did.
~Wednesday the 11th~
     I walked to school happy. Skylene likes me...that's amazing, beautiful, funny, smart basketball player likes me.
     I've liked her since the beginning of the 2nd semester, and maybe even a little before than.
     I got to school and went into the cafeteria as always. I played through my day as all things normal.
     I finally made it to 4th period, last class of the day. We had testing, but that didn't stop us from texting each other.
     "I have a question"
     "Would you wanna keep us low-key???"
     "It wouldn't really matter to me, would you wanna be low-key?"
     "It doesn't matter to me either"
     "Alright well we'll flip for it"
     And so we did flip a coin for it. It ended up with us not being low-key. We ended up talking about how my friends would always ask if I was texting my girlfriend whenever I picked up my phone. Me and Skylene weren't official it was just a thought....a conversation but nothing confirmed.
     We texted more about us getting together and by 3pm I was dating a lovely basketball player.
     I got to go outside and there I saw her. We sat on the bench and talked until her care got there. I hugged her goodbye and started walking home.
     Me and my friends talked about it all in the way home. They were happy for me. I was happier, than I've been in about 2 almost 3 years, and many people saw that.
     That night we talked all night long. We both stayed up a little late just talking. That is even though we knew about what we had going on tomorrow.
     Eventually we both decided we needed some sleep. We said goodnight and peacefully went to bed.
~Thursday the 12th~
     I got up early and got ready. I went comfortably since my class had a test first things in the morning. I got dressed and said my goodbyes to my siblings before I left the house.
     I walked with a friend just as I did every morning. Once we got to school I went to the gym instead of the cafeteria. There I was able to be with Sky.
     Me and her talked with friends until the bell rang. From there me and her walked together to go to the room for testing. We got to the room and decided on sitting in the back.
     "Let's sit in the back, together"
     I followed her to the back and one of our friends bet me to sitting next to her. I was slightly upset but didn't mind at the same time. She then got the person to switch seats with me and that indeed made me smile.
     As we sat there for the test we talked and joked around. She'd laugh at the way I got frustrated and would scribble my work out. I laughed from the jokes she had made. Even though this was only the morning I was already having a great day.
~After testing~
     Once testing finished we went to get lunch. We all ended up getting lunch and going to sit in the classroom of the teacher we were testing for. After some time we heard my teacher was back in class so we went.
     A few of us ended up going to stay with my original 3rd period teacher. Me and three of my friends were sitting in the back playing phase 10.
     At one point I laid my head on Sky's shoulder and continued to play. I had only sat up for a moment to place a card down. Once I leaned back to lay on her shoulder she put her arm around me.
     I felt safe
     I felt comfortable
     I felt happy
     I felt like this was all I needed. I got the girl and I felt great about it. Who knew this was how it would turn out to be, cause it surely wasn't me at all
     This was absolutely amazing.
     I'm glad that this is how it all happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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