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         The sound of keys echoed the hallway into their apartment. An obvious pause before the doorknob turned revealing Bakugo, in semi-dressed up attire after the interview, well announcement that everyone had certainly seen by now

         Slowly he stepped into the apartment. The usual warm energy, giggling voice, and smell of food were gone. It was now empty and cold. Quickly slipping on some house slippers, Bakugo took a sharp inhale before making his way down the hall.

                 The couch was the first thing that came to view.

He didn't know what he was expecting but the sight in front of him still sent a ping of pain into his chest. There Izuku sat on the couch, the coffee table a mess with a bunch of letters and postcards and polaroids.

         He disregarded the glass shards and smashed flowers on the floor, walking slowly to face his husband. The shards meant nothing to him at that moment, the only thing he needed to focus on was the person in front of him that sat motionless as the tv played the news of his accountment on replay.


"Top hero, Dynamight, exposes his affair in a press confidence about recent rumors."

        He could feel his mouth go dry, being forced to re-listen to his own words. While staring at the one person it would affect the most. Who might he add hasn't even looked at him. Izuku sat there motionless with tear-stained cheeks and tightly pressed together lips, intensely staring at the tv.

"What was it that you needed to tell us today Dynamight?? Are the rumors of you conspiring with the league true??? The pictures of you hiding from everyone what are those?? who was that person you were spotted with over the past few weeks!?" Screamed the news reporters as they all pushed against one another to get closer to the fence that separated them from bakugo in the video.

"Are you a threat to Japan?!?" "How are you going to continue your hero work with all these speculations" "Was that the league?" "Are you a traitor" they continued to scream before a large explosion was heard, coming obviously from Bakugos raised palm.


"Then explain to us what these pictures are!! Where were you going and Who were you with!!"

Everyone was silent. News reporter's arms extended to get their microphones as close as possible to the pro-hero. Bakugo distressed, took a deep breath. Knowing the answer to the questions but the truth, reluctant to fall from his lips.


"It wasn't the league, nor any other wannabe supervillain. The truth is the person I've been meeting with is Kirishima"

silence followed. No one was expecting it. Soon a female reporter spoke up, her face jumping to several conclusions but confusion was obvious in her voice "Red Riot? What could you have been possibly doing to have to meet with Red Riot in such a suspicious location?? especially at late hours in the night as in most of these pictures!!"

"IS Red Riot ALSO A TRAITOR?? IS HE CONSPIRING WITH VILLIANS TOO??" other reporters all jumped to this conclusion

"NO OF COURSE NOT! Kiri isn't that type of person!! We were meeting up hidden because..."

"Because of what Dynamight, we deserve the truth or less you and he will both be deemed criminals" "you could lose your license" "YOU TRAITOR"

"He and I have been secretly.. seeing each other.."

more silence. the female reporter spoke up again "As in romantically?"

Bakugo never responded and put his head down slightly before giving a small nod, confirming it to the whole world. "AREN'T YOU MARRIED TO PRO-HERO DEKU??" "ARE YOU CHEATING??" "EACH TIME YOU WERE SEEN IN SUSPICIOUS AREAS WITH A HIDDEN FIGURE IT WAS AN AFFAIR/A HOOKUP??" The reporters boomed and it quickly got out of control the guards and security could hardly keep them from almost charging at the gate to get to Bakugo.

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