Starting the stream(vox pov)

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       Shoto was gonna arrive here soon

  me Ike and shu were setting things up also    mysta went out for boba because earlier he couldn't buy any, after a few hours at 2:00 pm Shoto showed up  I was very happy but I was takeing a bath but mysta was knocking so hard on the door that he had to use the restroom  so I had to get out (while drying his hair and combing it) when I finally got out mysta pushed me out the way and slam the door shut so he could go piss (what a detective am I right?)I went to the second bedroom and realized Shoto was in there' there was only 4 bedrooms so me and him had to share which I didn't mind since he was my "friend"

Later on at 2:30 Shoto was done changeing  and came out in fucking baggy pants and a sweater
Which I didn't mind but like really? But I asked what he wanted to play since we had 30mins before we started the offcollab and he wanted to play valorant so I said sure I never had play with Shoto in real life so he went go get his stuff and phone and since I was a bastard to him I asked if I could use his charger he said yes but littel did he knew i took his phone as well I asked what his password was and he said it was(*******) he than smiled so sweetly
But I didn't give a fuck and I checked out his search history cause why not and also his Twitter cause I'm such a good "friend " and I asked him what color is the red wire and he said "ur a fucking idiot "

(Makeing part 2 in a bit 305 WORDS)

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