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It's been about a week since the incident with Y/N. They had taken them to get repaired and have their skin replaced. They also had to get some wires replaced since some of them were severed. It had taken about a week for them to get fully fixed but everybody was relieved that they were able to get some help.

Mark was on edge with Y/N though, he wouldn't let them leave his side or let them touch anything sharp related. He was basically Y/N's babysitter, not really letting them do anything or go out of his sight.

"Sorry we haven't had any proper introductions.." Y/N said, scratching the back of their neck sighing. Tommy shrugged, leaning back onto Mark's bed knowing it was directed towards him. "I'm Y/N and I go by they/them pronouns if it's not a bother." "Well I'm Tommy and I go by he/him pronouns, sorry about calling you a woman earlier though." "It's fine, doesn't matter that much." "I know Y/N already knows me but I'm Tubbo and I go by he/him pronouns too." Y/N nodded and smiled remembering the information.

"I just realized I never told you my last name." Mark said, spacing out, leaning in his chair. "Yeah you're right!" The other three said in sync. "My full name is Mark Wheeler." "Wheeler?" Tubbo said, tilting his head, looking at the ceiling. "Whose last name is Wheeler!" Tommy asked, shouting a bit. "Well my full name is Tommy Simons" (not using his real name cause it makes me uncomfortable) "Mine is Tubbo Smith!" Tubbo responded. "I don't have one." "What do you mean?" Tommy asked, making a scrunched up face, obviously confused. "Well, they'll have one soon enough if somebody keeps at it." Tubbo said nonchalantly, grabbing his cup of coffee from Mark's nightstand, adjusting himself to sit criss-cross-applesauce on the bed. Mark choked on his drink a bit at Tubbo's comment while Tommy just laughed like a hyena.

"Hey, Y/N Wheeler!" Tommy shouted pointing at Y/N, teasing Mark. "(whatever you prefer). Wheeler, is Mr. Wheeler home?" Tubbo said, mocking the voice of a six-year old boy. "Mr. Wheeler, Is your (wife or husband whatever you prefer) home?" "S-Shut up!" Mark said laughing while pushing the two off the bed.

Y/N just sat there trying to process what happened and trying to understand what they thought was so funny. Y/N just laughed even though they had no idea why they were laughing. It just came out of them for some reason. They fell backwards onto the bed holding their stomach. "Now you're getting it!" "This is what it means to find something funny!" Tommy shouted at the top of his lungs, standing up victoriously while Tubbo just laughed at his dumbness.

"I mean.." "It does have a ring to it!"


I know I'm on a break but I just wanted to go ahead and publish this because it was already ready

Appetite of a People-Pleaser // Ranboo x Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now