Discovering Corando: Beneath The City

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                                                                      Chapter 1


In a lonely classroom sat Gina Forladom serving detention once again. "Your curious nature can get you into serious trouble. Gina, you have to stop this dear." Said her mother quietly while staring at the floor. Gina looked at her mother with her deep blue eyes. "Mum?" Gina said softly. " I try to stop myself but it feels like something is pushing me to it." "Gina," Said her mother, "We will be talking about this to your father. Come lets go home." Her mother walked out the door as Gina followed her closely. They got into her mother's car and her mother started driving. They came to a red light, Gina noticed a muffled engine sound in the distance. The light turned green and her mother pressed on the gas peddle. As they got about half way into the inter-section a bright red convertible came speeding from the other direction and hit Gina's mother's car straight on to have them sent rolling then smashing into a nearby fence from a yard. They were both sent to the hospital immediately. Gina woke up with her father sitting beside the hospital bed ready to care for her. "Gina! Oh thank god your alright!" Her father said while hugging her close. "Where's mom?!" Gina said loudly with worry. "Your mother is a little less than okay Gina. Once you get walking in a few days we will go see her together." Her father looked sad while he spoke. "S-So... She IS okay though, right? Gina had worry in her eyes when she spoke but had alarm when she looked to the end of her hospital bed and saw her leg in a cast. "I won't be able to do my swimming course now." Said Gina thinking about how much she enjoyed it. "I miss mum." Said Gina with a tear running down her face. "Im going to go see a nurse i'll see you in a little bit." Her father kissed her forehead and went out the door. Gina sighed. She missed all of her friends at school. "OH NO!" Said Gina "I GOING TO MISS THE MATH TEST TOMORROW! CRAP!' Gina was not pleased with herself for missing the math test. Then she realized that she was lucky to be alive! Gina looked up to see a nurse walk in with 3 or 4 needles in her hand. "Uh... Ma'am? Gina said with great worry "What are you going to do with those?" "Not to worry dear, im just going to  be taking some blood samples to see if your healthy or in need of more care." Very kindly said the nurse. Gina asked, "Does it hurt?" "All you will feel is a little pinch dear!" Said the nurse sweetly. The nurse poked a little needle into Gina's arm. Gina flinched but remained calm. After the third needle Gina was quite sore and asked if the nurse had to do the fourth. "No dear, your safe from needles now ahaha!" Said the nurse kindly. Gina noticed a few nurses running down the hall yelling "I NEED A DOCTOR NOW!" Gina was a bit annoyed with the noise as it was 6:00 in the morning. Then more nurses went running in the other direction. Gina was completely furious now and yelled back "PLEASE BE QUIET! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" Gina laughed at herself. Then there was silence. "Finally I can sleep." She said to herself. Then peacefully dosed off. Gina woke up with a huge fright to a mental patient yelling, "BUT I NEED TO PEE!" Gina laughed. She looked at the time and it was only 6:15. "Really!?" Said Gina to herself. "I only slept 15 minutes. That's sad I obviously  don't sleep like a rock." Gina was very distraught. She called in a nurse that was walking by. She said "Did you hear that man say what he just said?" "Yes dear very sorry. Go back to sleep now ba bye!" Gina glared at the spot the nurse was just standing. "Well that's just poo!" She said slamming her face into her pillow. She softly fell asleep once again. Gina woke up nice and late. It was 10:00 and Gina was happy. She looked over her bedside and saw her father sitting in a chair next to her. She looked closer and saw that there was dried up tears on her fathers face. "I hope nothing bad happened." She said to herself. It was lunch so there were not many nurses in the halls. Gina got out of her bed and started wandering around the hospital trying not to be seen. She wandered into a hospital room with a body covered up with a sheet. "Ew, someone died gross!!" Gina said to herself. She flipped up the sheet and revealed the dead body. It was Gina's mother. Gina screamed at the top of her lungs and tried to run with her cast. Nurses came running and tried to stop her but Gina plowed through them. She ran out the hospital doors and bolted for the Brooklyn bridge near the hospital. She hid under a cement hollowed out block. She sat there and cried. About a half an hour later she managed to cry herself to sleep. Gina opened her eyes and it was dark. She peeked out from underneath the cement block and looked at the clock in the town square. "Midnight. I'm not safe here there could be creeps and bad people." Gina noticed something sticking out of her pocket. "My cell phone!? I don't remember bringing that but its good that I have it." Gina looked at her cellphone and saw that there was thirty seven unread messages. "Whoa. I seem to be popular al of a sudden." As she was looking she decided to text her best friend. "Ugh... What do I say...? Ummmmmm.... Oh how about: Hey Lily,  can u get a ride to the Brooklyn bridge I wanna show u somthin." She sent the message. She got a text back right away saying "WHERE R U DUDE PPL R SAYING U RAN AWAY FROM THE HOSPITAL! R U NUTS?!?!" Gina laughed and texted "U would know the answer to that and just come to the Brooklyn bridge plz now and tell ur parents to go home after lol" Gina received a call from Lily and answered it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2013 ⏰

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