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"You're an asshole, Jake," I complained as pulled my hair up, placing it into a tight bun.

"I didn't make you drink all of those," he retorted with a laugh, handing me a bottle of water.

"You kept buying them," I replied, shaking my head as I took the two capsules of aspirin, hoping the pounding in my head would go away by the time class starts.

Jake rolled his eyes and gently pushed my shoulder, getting up from his seat and exiting the cramped room.

We were assigned to stay on the base itself, which sucked because the rooms were cramped, and you had to share it with another person.

"Is there a reason Hangman was in here?" Natasha asked as she entered the room, a confused look on her face.

"Making fun of me," I replied, pulling my jacket on.

She rolled her eyes, pulling her jacket on as well, and grabbed a few of her things. "Why do you even hang around him?" She asked, an annoyed tone in her voice.

Not many people were a fan of Hangman, and Nat was one of those. If it weren't for the fact we could both relate on the hardships of our branch of work, and how it was worse for us just because of our gender, we probably wouldn't be friends either.

"I've known him forever," I replied, following her out of the door and into the thin hallway. "You know that," I added.

She let out an exasperated sigh as she nodded, opening the door at the end of the hall, which opened up to the outside.

"Come on, I want a decent breakfast," Nat said, pulling her keys out of her pocket.

I glanced down at my watch, the time reading 6:02am. We had about two hours before class stated, so I happily followed Nat out to her car, hopping into the passenger side as she started the car up, giving it a second to warm up before pulling out of the parking space, and turning off down the road to exit the base.

"What're you thinking?" I asked, pulling my seat belt on.

"You remember that one diner that we ate at before that big mission?" She questioned, turning down a road that lead into town.

"Yeah," I nodded, laughing a bit at the memory. "The one where we got called in halfway through breakfast and I ended up throwing up midair?"

Natasha began to laugh as she nodded. "And we all had to listen to it over the comms," she added, making a disgusted face.

"Oh great," I joked sarcastically.

We arrived and had a decently nice breakfast. Natasha and I didn't really keep in touch, so having an hour or so to catch up with her was really nice. Though our conversation was mostly based around different missions we had been on since we had last flown together, it was still nice to have someone actually interest in having a conversation with me, and inviting me out for breakfast.

We had finished and paid, and was now heading back to the naval base.

"I swear, if were late because you drive like a grandma," I complained, glancing towards the car clock, which read 7:43am, and class started at eight.

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