Possession 101

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                                CHAPTER 1                                                                                                                                                                I woke up in sweaty sheets gasping for breath. My face is mixed with tears, sweat and blood. I could feel someone shaking me. I slowly open my eyes and my dad is standing above me shaking me to wake up. "Samantha, did you do this?" he whispered. I have no idea what hes talking about.  "Samantha, answer me" he demanded. I looked up at him trying to question him. "Answer me" he yelled. "Did I do what?" I whispered. He grabbed my arm and walked down the stairs into the barn. He swung open the door and all I saw was blood and dead horses everywhere. I could see the tears in his eyes. He looked down at me shaking his head. "I didn't do anything daddy, I swear" I cried. I started walking around the pen and all nine horses are dead. In the far left corner I see a butcher knife. I go and pick it up and look at my dad. "How could you do this" he cried. I tried to remember if I have done it or not but I don't. I tried convincing him I didn't do it but he walked out in the middle of me talking. I get changed out of my bloody clothes and put on a green polka dot shirt and a pair of pink pants. I put my shoes on and walked out to the house. As I step inside, my dad is sitting at the kitchen table talking on the phone. He glances up at me and hung up the phone. There's an awkward silence and I break it. "I'm sorry daddy, I don't remember killing the horses" I say with tears running down my cheeks. "Its okay hunny, I'm sure you didn't mean to" he replies. I started pouring myself a bowl of frosted flakes. "Daddy, can we go to the park today?" I ask. "Not today sweety, I already made you plans" he replied. Plans? What kind of plans? "Oh. What am I doing" I ask. " A priest named Peter is coming to talk to you at 1:00 today" he answered. " What? Why?" I yell. "Because, you need help Samantha. You killed nine horses with a butcher knife and your only eight years old" he replied. "That's not fair" I scream and stomped away. I ran up to my room and jumped onto my bed ripping off all the sheets and screaming. I try and calm myself down but I just cant. I take one of my dolls and rip its head off. I try to stop myself but it feels like something is taking over my body. I tried running down the stairs that lead outside but as I ran down the first couple steps, something stopped me. I fell to the ground and hit my head of one of the horses tuffs. I blacked out. I woke up to the sound of the barn doors trying to open. There was wood across the handles. "Samantha, open up" my dad yells as hes pounding on the door. I get up and almost fall to the ground. I push open the door and run up the stairs and hide under my covers. "Samantha, come out from under there" my dad says. I slowly lift up the covers and see my dad and the priest sitting on the edge of my bed. I look at Peter and quickly go under the covers again. I don't like this man, there's something wrong with him, I can feel it. "Come on out Samantha, no need to be afraid of me. I'm here to help you with your problems" Peter says. I lift up my covers and give Peter the evil eye. "I don't have problems" I yell. I can feel a tear starting in my eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings in anyway" Peter says softly. I sit up in my bed and grab one of my dolls. My dolls always make me feel better- well them and my friend Katy. Sometimes Katy makes me do bad things though. My dad leaves the barn and Peter smiles at me. He touches my leg and I pull away, kicking at his hand. "How are you feeling" Peter asks. I ignore him. I keep on playing with my doll. " Samantha, you don't need to be afraid of me" Peter chuckles. I want him to leave, I don't like talking to him. He's glaring at me making me uncomfortable. I get an angry feeling bubbling up inside of me. I grab my doll and rip of her head. I start laughing. "Why did you do that Samantha?" he questioned. "Because its funny" I laughed. "Why is ripping of a dolls head funny?" he asks. I don't respond. He grabs his notepad and starts writing things down. "What are you writing down?" I demand he tells me. "Oh, just some notes" he replies. "Like what?" I question. He doesn't answer me. "Like what?" I ask again this time with a tone. He still doesn't  answer me. "Like what?" I 9.+yell. He still isn't answer me. I am getting really mad. I demand he tells me. "Like what?" I scream at the top of my lungs. He glances up at me and I can't stop screaming. "Stop screaming Samantha" he says. I have this feeling again, like something or someone is taking over my body. My eyes go white and I lift up Peter using my "force". "What are you doing?, Put me down" Peter yelled. I bit his wrist with all my might, making him bleed and leaving teeth marks. I set him down and hide under my bed. I can see Peter rubbing his wrist and mouthing swear words. I can hear the pitter-patter of his feet moving around my hard wood floor. "Samantha" he yells, he sounds mad. I push myself to the very back of my bed. I can see Peter crouching down to look where I am. "Samantha?" Peter whispers. He's looking around under my bed. I find a set of keys in the corner. I crawly over slowly to  get them. He starts crawling under the bed, I slowly crawl over to him and stab him in the eye with the key. I let out a giant laugh. I can hear him cursing and walking down the stairs as fast as possible. I run after him down the stairs. He hops in his car and my dad runs out of the house. "Where are you going?" my dad yells. "Never call me again, your daughters a physco. She belongs in a mental hospital" Peter yells back. I started crying and my dad holds me in his arms. My dad looked me in the eyes and I can see his eyes starting to water. "What happened?" my dad asked. "He hit me daddy, he told me I was crazy" I cried. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2013 ⏰

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