learning at home

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'Learning from home'
A short rant made by Achilles w.

When I was younger I learned to walk quite at home and how to whisper
I learned how to sneak around at night for food because I was sent to my room and told i couldn't have food

I also learned how to sneak into my brothers room and give him snacks because he got in trouble and couldn't have any food

I learned to obey ,I learned to be silent and just go along with things, most important of things I learned how to smile (for the camera mom set up)

It was hard first few years but I learned to lived with it

(I don't know why you're complaining it helped you be a better listener (

Because I wasn't allowed to tell anyone what it was(is) happening at home
Mom was mad most of the time but it was fine if none of us bothered her

I learned to draw so I could ecape reality and make an imaginary family

Dad left when I was between the age of 5-7 I can't remember

Not much anymore, you see I have a habit of forgetting more things than Id like

I developed this habit so I could forget bad memories from when I was younger

Now I'm 14 and do drugs, mom has a drug addict and alcoholic husband (stranger)who she doesn't love

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