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Josuke stared at me, eyes widened, looking like he was about to come over and help me.
"W-wait, you're a stand user..?"

I blinked, "I'm a what..?"
Did he see my ghost??
He then looked around, making sure no one else was here, before getting closer.
In a hushed tone, he said "A stand user. You know what a stand is, right?..."
"Uhm, no, sorry.."

Wait, could a stand be... my ghost?
I mean, it only makes sense..
He brings up this 'stand' thing only after he sees me using my ghost to get the butter.

"It's fine. Here, could you... come with me, back to my house? I really need to talk to you about your, um, power. I really hope there aren't any more arrows on the loose," He said, mumbling the last part.
This seems serious. I'll gladly go, especially if it means learning more about my ghost.
"Ok, sure. I'm... kinda curious to hear what you know about it..." I said.
He nodded, before taking my hand, "Let's go, then. The faster I start explaining, the better for the both of us."
Luckily, he didn't notice my slight blush at the contact.

He led me out of the convenience store, not before telling his mom he'd be leaving, who he had apparently been grocery shopping with.
His mom was hesitant at first, but when she saw me, she did a complete 180, smiling and saying she 'understood.'
I had a feeling she did not, in fact, understand.

Anyways, after I'd accidentally stole the butter, I put it in my bag on the way to Josuke's house, for later.
When we got there, I followed him through the front door, and watched as he closed and locked it.
"We should talk in my room, I don't want my mom walking in and accidentally hearing.." he said, leading me upstairs.
Wait, his mom doesn't know about this? This is some secretive shit...

After we got to his room, he, once again, closed and locked the door.
Turning around, he faced me, "Alright- um, first of all... Ah, where do I start...? Well, I guess I should explain what a stand is..." he said. "A stand is a part of its user, so a stand can feel its users emotions and feelings, and stuff like that. If the user isn't at their best, the stand won't be either. So like, if you're hurt, the stand isn't as strong, if that makes sense.. oh, and also, you can feel everything your stand feels, so if it gets hurt, you'll also get hurt." He explained.
I blinked, not really knowing how to respond.
Right, he didn't exactly explain what a stand is, but that works.

"Here, could you show me your stand?" He asked.
I nodded, before revealing my ghost.. or, 'stand', as he called it. "Is this it?" I asked.
He looked at my stand, nodding, "What can it do?"

"Uh, I don't know if this is normal, but it can put people to sleep. I don't really use it that often though, I mostly use it for convenience purposes, like getting butter from the top shelf... as you know..." I explained.
"Cool. And, one more thing, how long have you had your stand for?" He asked.
I shrugged, "As long as I can remember. This is the first time someone else has been able to see it, though..."

He hummed. "Yeah, only other people with stands can see your stand. Here, I'll show you mine..." he said, before a floating pink and white figure appeared behind him.
"This is Crazy Diamond."
I stared at the stand in awe, having not seen another stand other than my own.
"What can yours do?" I asked, curiously.

"He can rebuild and rearrange things... I mostly use it for fixing things, though," he said.
I nodded, "Cool. That's a lot more useful than mine is, to be honest..."
He chuckled, "What? I think putting people to sleep is pretty cool. Like, imagine you're attacked by an enemy stand. You can just... bwam! Put 'em to sleep. Would've been useful some time ago..." he said.
"Wait, enemy stand?" I asked.

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