Never Again

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"It doesn't matter. I love you so much. And I know you love me"

Vader peeled her away.

More LIES. Now that he found her, she had resorted to professing love she didn't feel, he thought.

He stared into the orbs of her worried eyes. She was good at lying. As most politicians were. For now, he would resist the urge to force-choke the beauty. Why didn't she tell him the truth? [Name] blinked tears from her eyes. This was supposed to be her wedding day. But instead, he had used the time to interrogate her.

"Remove the dress," Vader ordered. "You are not fit to wear it now."

Shocked, [Name] stared at him. But he made no effort to clarify the demand, so she slid out of the wedding gown, leaving only the slip she wore beneath to cover her body. He stared at her bony shoulders - and remembered holding her in his arms...their stolen kisses in the night.

Who could he trust if he couldn't trust her? If she would only tell the truth. But she was a politician...just liked Padme. Just like Palpatine...

[Name] turned and faced him, her eyes full of sadness. "We're not getting married?" she asked.

A gust of air left Vader's mask. He scoffed.

"But the wedding dress-"

"Who said the dress was for a wedding?"

"Then what is it for?"

"A funeral," he answered, a maniacal tone to his voice.

Unchecked tears suddenly spilled from her eyes. Vader smiled.

Why did she mock him with tears? The only thing she grieved was her own death, he thought.

[Name] sobbed at his words. "I only did what I was told. I wanted to come back, but I couldn't."

"Liar!" he raged

"But it's true," [Name] exclaimed.

"The queen told me about your lies."

What did he mean? What lies?

[Name] felt Vader's intrusion into her thoughts and blocked him from her mind. She feared he'd learn the truth and Alderaan would go the way of Naboo. The Sith Lord's chest swelled with rage.

"I'm not afraid," she said. "If I was afraid... I wouldn't have taken the chance of having a relationship with you. But there's something important you don't understand there, there's something I need to tell you," she exclaimed.

"More lies?" he said. "Acceptance. It will make the task easier for us both," he replied. "I have been made aware of the truth, that your affection was a ploy to destroy the Empire. My Empire."

This is exactly what the others told her: He'll kill you.

"I love you," [Name] exclaimed.

The sound of Vader's boots crushed the carpeting as he walked toward her. [Name] stepped away, pressing her back against the door. Bail Organa...Alderaan...or herself? Give them up? Let them suffer like Naboo?

She couldn't do it.

Suddenly, gloved hands seized her throat.

[Name] shook her head, wriggled and struggled against his grasp. He could always use the force to choke her but he wanted to feel her writhing and squirming into death and blackness with his own hands. But even as he extracted the life from her body, he still loved her. What a twisted man he was, Vader couldn't help but think to himself.

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