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Y/N quickly looked back only to see a giant wall as Jung-hyun took a turn and left from the residential area. Y/N tried to look but she couldn't. He heart was beating way too fast as she looked here and there like a mad woman.

'What happened?' Jung-hyun asked.

'H-huh!? N-nothing.' She said as she sat quietly, thinking if she misheard or not..
On the other hand Jungkook looked at the girl. His heart was beating fast looking at the girl. She was smiling while looking at him. How foolish of himself to think that the fast beating heartbeat was his own when it was actually his twin's.

'Hey! It's been so long kookie.' Anna said as she hugged him.

Jungkook backed away a little as she hugged him with a little bit extra force. He was still trying to understand what was happening.

'It's been so long since I saw you. You have become more handsome.'

'U-uh thanks-'

'Jungkook-ah! Let's go! Others are waiting for you. Miss Stark, please follow her. She will assist you to your new apartment.' One of the manager said.

'What do you mean by new apartment?' Jungkook asked.

'Oh, well she got selected as one of our editors for En-o'clock. She will also assist Run BTS sometimes. She brought an apartment here few days ago and will join us 2 days later.'

Jungkook nodded as she restrained himself and walked towards the car leaving Anna looking at his back.
'What happened Jungkook?' Jin asked.

'Nothing hyung.'

'And you think that we will believe that?' Yoongi asked.

Jungkook sighed as he said, 'I just saw Anna happy now?'

Jimin looked at others and then went to sit beside Jungkook. He held Jungkook's shoulder and said,
'Well, that's great then. You can meet her freely now since the policies are changed because of what Y/N said that day to Pd nim. We can meet with girls or talk or do anything with our girl-friends(only friends) so no tension right?'

'I know hyung but still.....I feel different now.....I.....I don't know.' Jungkook sighed as he stood up before walking away from the room.

'Do you think his feelings are coming back?' Taehyung asked.

'I think that he never had any hard feelings for her. Only crush. I have already told you guys that I had a girlfriend efore I joined BTS and she cheated on me which is not important but I know better than anyone else that what is love or crush. I also didn't had hard feelings for her only mare feelings.' Yoongi explained.

'Hyung I know that I am younger than you but I also had girlfriend and I was dumped too. Besides, this is not about cheating or being dumped, it is about feelings. I think he had feelings for her back then. Your generation and our generations are different hyung. Also I was his roommate back then. So I know him.'

'Enough Taehyung. I am not scolding you neither I am defending you Yoongi hyung but I think we should not engage into Jungkook's matter since he is the one to make decisions of his own life. And it is not the indict of prosecutors in WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING drama where every prosecutors were discussing about the matter and told their opinions.'

'Namjoon-ah! This is a serious matter! You shouldn't bring dramas.' Jin said as he sighed.

'But I found it funny.' Hoseok laughing. 'Besides Namjoon is saying the truth. It's his matter and his feelings. We should just support hm and if something bad happens then protect him.' He added.

'Well let's go and start practicing again. I will call Jungkook.' Jimin said as he called Jungkook before they started their practice.
'Oppa let's eat first then I will buy something for her.' Y/N said as she and Jung-hyun walked towards the restaurant. It was already late noon. They just reached at their destination and now after lunch, they will buy gifts for Ara and will meet her.

Jung-hyun looked at the menu and ordered sea food for him while Y/N ordered pork stewards with some side dishes.

'You know what? Jungkook also likes this dish.' Jung-hyun said laughingly.

'Well it's common now for me after finding out about our twin thingy.' Y/N said as she started to eat.

'So, you and Ara are too close?'

'Uh, yeah. Back then, she was my only one. I would share everything with her even if she was small. Heck she even was the first one to notice my and Jungkook oppa's similarities.'

'Oh! So is she still your favorite?'

Y/N stopped eating as she looked at her brother. She put down her chopsticks and held Jung-hyun's both hands before saying,

'Oppa, I know you and Jungkook oppa don't like her because of what her parents did but think about it from their side? Dad- Mr. Lee lost her child that day. He possibly didn't wanted to lose his wife too right?'

Jung-hyun didn't said anything. He was about to take his hands off from her when she tightened her grip on his hands and continued,

'Ok, listen to me once again please?'

He sighed before nodding his head.

'Well, forget about the Lee family, forget about me and gguk and our parents. Only think that Hyejin onnie is pregnant. You and she are having your first child. So it's simple that you both are excited. Right?

*he nodded.*

Think that you are now in your office when you get a call from an unknown number telling you that your wife aka onnie has collapsed and will give birth now. You will of course panic since the due date was after 2 weeks. You quickly went to the hospital not even caring if the important files which were now in the floor.

Then you saw her. The love of your life. She was crying because of the pain. You were crying because of the pain. Then suddenly you saw your baby-boy. The nurse quickly cut the cord and took the baby away. Onnie was still in critical condition since she is young and had premature baby.

You were praying for her welfare while thinking that your baby is safe and is being washed up when suddenly you get the news of your baby's death.'

For a second Jung-hyun's eyes glistered in tears as she looked down more engaging himself to her words and imagining himself in her story as she took a breath before continuing,

'The nurse handed you the baby-boy as you cried. Onnie was still half unconscious was repeatedly saying to save her child thinking that she was still in labor. Then suddenly an anonymous person came towards you and said that there was another boy who just born right now and told you to switch the babies if you want your love, Hyejin onnie alive since she will die after knowing the truth.

What will you do? Will you misplace the babies? Tell me oppa? Andwer me? Will you? Oppa!'

'I will!' Jung-hyun screamed slightly as he took his hands off and whipped his tears away.

'See, Mr.Lee also did the same. He had to save his wife no matter what. I just said baby boy instead of girl which is me. Otherwise, the story is same. So you still think that he had 100% fault? I am not defending him nor saying that he wasn't at fault at all.

I also was angry at first when I thought about it calmly. But after a few moments, I tried to think from his side. I imagined myself in his place then I got my answer. Moreover he never ever loved me less than Ara nor his wife even after she got to know later about me being not their own blood.

I only wanted to make you understand. I hope I have not offended you. If I did then please forgive this cutie and lovely sister of yours.' She said as she did some aego.

Jung-hyun laughed as he stood up and went towards her. He hugged her tightly as he said, 'I didn't knew that you will learn things from Jimin and I also didn't knew that you are this lovely and smart enough to think about this. My sister is more intelligent than me I guess.' He dramatically sighed as they started to eat again.

'Oh oppa?'


'Can you tell me about Anna?......'


T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now