my love soiree

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Their are things which even we  cannot change, things fated to remain that way. So was my story.

       I remember I moved to las Vegas with my parents when I was five,seriously vexed about leaving home,school,my friends and my pet dog roger.

Oops!! I was so lost in telling my story OK my name is page,a black American,i am the definition of sexy and I know it,i got curly hair and a figure that most girls will die for, or so i thought being little guess i was not. i mixed easily with people and I was loved.

    I was kinda of happy that I was leaving Texas ya am a rancher Go cows!!!, making it worse I was an only child, sucks rite well I took it good.
Enough about me back to the story well I got to the famous Vegas my parents were so hyper about. Well trust me at my little age when I saw Vegas I taught it was heaven, the palm trees, the shops, fashionista attitudes, dressing of different people, i remember glueing my eyes to the window of the white convertible car my family owned at that time [u shocked rite, u like hunnn thought u said u guys were ranchers, well ranchers that were pretty rich] my dad drove all the way he was my hero, i love him more than anything in the world even more than fluffy my teddy bear [shhhhhh don't tell fluffy], we got to our new house and it looks like a castle.

A group of people that looked like a family stood in front of the house, a man, a woman and a little boy that looked like ken in the barbie movies I watched and hid at my father's back [ya I was shy still shy],as they introduced themselves and yikes they were our neighbours. The little boy was called AARON,cute i knew we were gonna be best of friends. They helped us move we had dinner together and we wished them goodnight. From then on till now Aaron was and is still my best friend.

Ya!! I gat two siblings now and am 17 years old looking forward to the golden age of 18 [all teens dream of that],Aaron is still my best friend he also had 3 more siblings, although we went to different schools we saw each other everyday, he stood by me through thick and thin. Even when I felt the world was crashing round me when my mum died he was my shoulder.


My mum had cancer when I turned 15, i didn't know at the early stage but when I started pulling clumps of hair from my food and my mum turned pale and fragile, my dad looked disoriented,scattered and bitter. And one day she was just gone, into the wind, left me,my siblings and my dad alone.

I cried like never before,Aaron tried to bring me out of my bubble and he finally did well mum where ever u are i hope u are OK.

My dad is still single,he tries to be both parent and he actually succeed.

OK wat wrong with Aaron, ever since he entered college[ya it sucks that he's 2 years older than me]. He's been withdrawn towards me well I can't blame him ya u want to know the reason flip to the next chapter AND HELP RATE THIS BOOK PLSSSSSSS.



Aaron has been kinda sneaky around me,ya he jumps when I talk to him and he gat sat twinkle in his eyes when he talks to my younger sister ADRIANA,i was scared cause it was coming between us, we no longer talk like we use to cause,he always gat his eye on my sis and she too jumps around like a kid [that is gross and annoying] i was heartbroken and disarmed because I had fallen in love with the wrong person, MY BEST FRIEND. I became cold and withdrawn i guess the doctors called it depression, i sat outside the doctors office as he spoke to my dad,i wish things were different, my dad had this sad look in his eyes and I started crying,so this is how the sting of an already broken heart feels....

       On the drive home,my dad told me that the doctor has suggested that I have a change of environment, i just nodded silently you know that feeling when u want to talk but you feel too tired for words. When we got home I packed my box for the trip said my goodbye to ADRIANA, fluffy and finally Aaron, somehow I had a feeling I won't be home for a very long time.

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