[Pilote] chapter I

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Hello guys! This is an bl story! And I hope you're gonna enjoy it!! It's all original and made up!!! Now enjoy reading chapter 1!!!
Hello!!! My name is Elijah Wilson!! I'm 14 years old and gay! My culture is Spanish. But I'm currently the only one in my family who didn't brother to learn Spanish. So when it's family dinner. And they all speak Spanish I'm just sitting in the corner like a tourist.  Yeah I'm openly gay. There's no shame for me there. My family knows I'm gay too. They don't mind it. No not at all actually. I mean some does not mind. I live with my mom, dad, and my little sister who is 4! She's so cute. And her name is Elle! I also have an older brother. He does not live with us anymore since he's 18 and moved out. He's pretty cool in my opinion. His name is Elliot. And he's probably my biggest gay supporter! My parents gave us all a name starting with "E" cuz that's what my parents also start with. So our whole family names are starting with e!

I'm not so smart I'm really dumb actually! But you know I try my best to catch up with the homework.

I would consider myself pretty good looking. I'm pretty confident i would say myself. I have brown fluffy hair. And green mixed with brown eyes. I'm pretty short tho.
But it's fine. I don't mind being short.

If my friends had to describe me with 3 words they'd say... "Loud, Happy, and Gay."
Yep that's definitely what they say.

Yuki hall.. she's my best friend! She's also 14. And have beautiful white big curly hair.
I love her so much.
She's also apart of the lgbtq community. She's trans.
Her transition went amazing. Shes so stunning. And if I were straight I would literally be in love.
Yuki is an observer. She does not speak that much and always listens. Shes really shy. But it's fine I think it's quite nice. She listens too all my problems and success while I of course do the talking. And then she gives me the best advice in the world.


Monday, 6st June.
*ring ring ring* I wake a up to the annoying dining sound of my clock. God it's first day of school. And not only just first day of school... first day of high school! Wow... I can't wait honestly! I mean I always seen those high school movies. and now it was my turn to live that high school dream. Finally, couldn't wait. I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Ans stood up for my bed. I went over to my closet. And looked inside for clothes.
God! I'm glad I'm never going into the closet again.
I laughed at myself even tho it was no fun at all.

I just put a casual red hoodie on and some blue jeans with green sneakers on. And then I style my hair with a red cap to match my red hoodie. Thats not gonna look too much I Think to myself.
Oh shit. The clock is already too much I will get late!
I run down the stairs in a rush. And as I put my coat on And ready to go out of the door my dad stops me.

"Hey hey hey buddy, no leaving without ur breakfast!!" My dad says smiling
"Aghr....daad.." I say with a annoyed voice
"Ah ah ah, u need protein and health or else u won't have enough muscles to do school"
My dad gives a sandwich in my hand, and pushes me out of the door which closes after I got out.

Well okay.. no bye to me or whaaat? He really just pushed me outt???
I see the school bus and run up to the bus, just to make it. As i step into the bus I see many kids staring at me. It feels so weird cuz there's so many new faces. I walk slowly up to find a empty seat and sit down. I feel 2 boys sitting behind me. I can hear them laughing.

I hope there not laughing at me. "HEY!" One of the boys says. "Yeah?" I say
"Aren't u that gay kid?" "Yeah I'm that gay kid. And be careful I might become ur new step dad" I say not bothered since my mom always learned me to not start anything.
The 2 boys just rolled there eyes and looked out the window. I know I pissed this white ass homophobic straight boys off. And it feels nice

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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