A New House

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*THUD* I put my box full of books down on the hard wooden ground. "Hey Alice, your sister picked the bigger room, yours is upstairs at the very end of the hall." My dad tells me, my little sister who's six always gets what she wants, she's six and has the biggest bedroom in the house other then my parents, I'm fifteen and have the smallest bedroom, even the the guest room is bigger because my mom's parents like to visit and there's two of them and one of me, like there's one of my sister too and she's half my size. We just moved to Rochester MN (a/n idk if that's a real town in MN 😭) we moved into an old but big house and it is nice but I just don't have the best feeling about it, maybe it's that it's old and just kinda creepy and dark looking in general but, I don't think it's that. "Stop day dreaming and get your stuff upstairs Alice. "  my dad slightly raises his voice telling me that I need to start working now, "Also help your sister, she needs help bringing stuff in and unpackinc" says my mom. "Why she can do it my herself, I have my own stuff to do. " I tell her. "Well she's half your size, but help her with the heavy stuff please. " my mom looks at me with her eyes, you can just see she's begging me with them. "Fineeeeeee" I groan before bringing my box to my new room. I set it down and go back out for continue bringing my boxes in. "Heyyy can you carry this box up to my roooooom? " my sister asks. I take the box and realize it's just a bunch of stuffed animals that she can carry herself. "Stacy, that's super light, you can do it yourself. " I tell her. "But mom and dad told to help me. " she tells be stopping her foot on the ground. "Yea, look here, they said h e l p  not do everything for you, besides I have own stuff I have to carry in on my own without help. You should be lucky I'm helping you at all, just take what you can up and put all the stuff you cant carefully next to the truck. " I tell her. She gets mad and her Hazel eyes start squinting and filling up with rage. I walk past her and stack 3 of my lightest boxes on top of each other just to carry them in all at once. As I walk Into my room I set the boxes down on  the ground. I'm super tired and just want to lay down but because all of the big furniture is in the other truck that we haven't gotten into yet I can't really take a break. All of the bigger stuff in the truck we are using right now is book shelves, chairs, and lights unless it's taken apart and put in a box. We can't sleep on the floors because the wood is very rough and we even have to wear shoes in the house in order to not get splinters. I look through my winsow in my new room and look at the view. At least it nice, I get to see our backyard, it's not the prettiest but with my green thumb and creative brain I'll be able to think of many ways to make it look better, I'm thinking of what I could do to the backyard when I decide that I need to start getting more things in here before I get yelled at. I focas on my refection in the glass, my red hair is starting to stick to my face, it's a very warm day out today and all this heavy lifting up and down stairs all day is making me warm. I tie my hair up with a hair tie I have on and look back at my reflection, I look a bit better not as messy as I was, suddenly I hear a loud bang right behind me, I turn around to see that my door is closed. There might be a draft maybe I think to myself. I head towards the door and put my hand on it, as I turn it it feels like someone is turning it the other way as to not let me out, I start to put some of my body weight on it, it still doesn't open. "STACY THIS ISN'T FUNNY OPEN THE DOOR" I yell as I put all my body weight on to it. Suddenly the door opens and I fall forward on the floor. "Ow" I say as I lay on the ground, it really didn't hurt I just say ow even if I slightly hit something, it's reflexes. "Are you alright? " my mother comes rushing up the stairs, I see that my sister is no where to be found, she probably already ran down stairs. "Yea I'm fine" I tell her as I get up. I try to wipe off my hands on my jean shorts but  I get to met with a stinging sensation on my hands, I quickly stop and look at my hands as they now hurt. I see that I have about 6 slivers in my hand. "Wow I knew the floor was bad but not that bad. " my mother tells me looking at my hand along with me. "I'll go get my tweezers" she says as she goes down stairs towards her makeup bag. I fallow her down and I sit on one of our chairs sitting in the middle of our kitchen. She grabs the tweezers and starts taking out the slivers one at a time. "OW" I yell as she starts. "I'm sorry hunny but theres nothing else I can do right now. " after she's done taking all the slivers out I go back outside to grab more boxes. My hands still kind of hurt but I continue. After I'm done getting all my boxes in my room I go outside to help Stacy out with her heavy things. "HEY KIDS, HOW DOES PIZZA SOUND. " my dad tells from inside. I run in and yell "YESSSS GET THE SUPREME" my dad chuckled and said "alright" then I got back to helping Stacy. After getting all the boxes in dad and I got all the heavy stuff and put it all into where the living room will be. It was now to late at night to open out boxes and unpack so we just got 3 beds into the house. My sisters bed first because her bedtime was the earliest. As mom and dad start putting together the bed I have to force Stacy to help me our with getting my bed upstairs. I was walking backward upstairs and my sister was walking forward up while we where getting the frame of my bed up so I can start to put my bed together the door bell ring and my sister let's go and runs over. "STACY" I yell. I'm now stuck on the stairs with a bed frame. "STACY GET OVER HERE BEFORE I PUNCH YOU" I was lieing of course but I needed some help. "PIZZAS HERE" she yells and I hear her open the box. "STACY GET OVER AND HELP ME OUT BEFORE THIS FALLS ONTO YOU. " I yell. "BUT I'M EATING. " she yells at me "YEA AND IF YOU DON'T HELP YOUR NO LONGER GOING TO BE EATING" my dad comes over helping out. "Hey she will be fine she's just a kid" I roll my eyes as I hear that all the time. We decided to make my bed after eating. I'm so tired after today that I didn't even change I just flopped into bed. "BRUSH YOUR TEETH. " my mom yells from down stairs. I get up a bit annoyed but I'm to tired to stay annoyed. My sister walks our of the bathroom in her favorite pajamas and goes to her room and shuts her light off. I go in and start brushing my teeth. While rising the lights start to flicker a bit, I don't mind it as it is a old house after all. Suddenly the light completely shuts off for a second and I see someone standing behind me until the light goes back on. I freak out turning behind me. No ones there, maybe I'm just tired. I kinda sprint to my room and shut the door. I quickly climb into bed shutting my eyes to forget about what I just saw. I didn't get a good glance to see who it was but it definitely wasn't my sister. I quickly end up falling asleep waiting for the next morning to start.

A/N- Hey everybody that's reading this, this is my first story that I'm making, I have trouble with words and spelling so I'm sorry if I messed anything up. Thank you for reading, I'll try to get the next chapter as soon as possible but ima be a bit busy. Hope you enjoyed

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