My first days at high school

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Oh my God! I can't believe I grew so fast! I can't believe I'm in high school ,where I'll study for 4 years. I hope I'll make new friends, I'll fall in love, I'll get good grades, I'll make my parents proud and the list goes on.
The first day in an unknown place with strangers is..I have no words! I saw only groups of girls or boys or both, and just me with a elementary colleague[destiny made us collegues in high school too]alone there, more enthusiastic.
From that infernal noise then came the silence. A young beautiful lady get on the stage:
-Welcome to our high school,our dear freshmen!
-Pst!Nicolette, I think she's the principle.
- Isn't she too young to be principle?
- I don't think she has more than 35 years. I heard she has 2 children and she's very very bad.
She continued with reading the list with each class, and each student, of course starting with the 9th classes. I didn't heard any name, but mine. I was so shy and ashamed at the time because I had to get on the stage to get in the school and everyone would see me.
Finally I went up the stairs to the first floor, I went left twice, I walked to the classroom at the end of hallway, 6 room or Amphitheater, the largest and important class of all high school.Why? Because there are all important meetings, are being held and even the mayor comes.
In the class there was an old lady waiting, the head teacher , Miss Pan(approximately 50-50 and a bit years and still virgin). We three seats quickly in banks, and she begins to tell the provisional timetable on us for the entire week. She gave us her phone number, and after I went with some classmtes at a coffe shop.
-My name is Adriana - I say while we all shake hands- where are you from?
- Oh, Hi Adriana..
- Oh please don't call me like this,call me Lia, it's my nick name since I was 2 years old!
-Alright! Hi Lia. I'm Andrre,and they're Helen, Antonio and Nicolette. We are from diffrent zones.We're on rent!
We exchange phone numbers, we were all delighted to be in the same class. Best friends forever nothing else! Remains to be seen what'll happen to this friendship.We didn't stay long after that and everyone went home. First day of high school was very cool.

Such a beautiful day!Perfect for science!Just kidding folks.It's just a day like any other, it's a little more special because it's the second day of high school, another day in an unknown place with strangers, which is "fabulous".I barely know four of my class mates.How are the rest?Whatever,there's 2 hours untill class starts and I'm so bored. So I decied to go out through downtown. Not even 10 minutes passed and the phone began ringing:
-Hi Lia, I'm Andrre.
-Hi Andrre.How are you?
-I'm fine.Listen, I'm through downtown and I was asking myself if you wanna come with me on a coffe coup.
-Of course!I'm through downtown too.It'll be my plasure.
-Alright,I'll wait you near the fountain.
After that we headed to the high school.I could feel Andrre's emotions and I think she could feel my emotions too. In the courtyard of the school everyone looked to us like:Look dude, 9th grade girls, let's torture them.I wanted to beat them, I swear.Once in class we look strange to people who supposedly are our class mates for four years.I went to the desk and sat next to a very pretty short blonde.
-Hi,I'm Niko.
- Hi Niko, I'm Lia. Oh my God you are so pretty, sorry I had to say it loud.
- Haha,you're funny.I think we'll be good friends.
-I hope.
We stood alone almost all day because some teachers are also class advisers and they had to give the students the books.So I went outside in the schoolyard,I stayed about 2 hours without realizing,and..I barged into the class, big mistake , very big.
-Where do you think you are going?
I actually got stuck.
-Where are you coming from?
-Ou ou ou outside.
-Why? Do you know what time is?Fine.Go to your desk.It should no longer happen.
Awesome.First class with this teacher and she already hates me.I didn't think that would happen so fast.Just kidding. I hope tomorrow it'll be better, I won't be late for class. Tomorrow'll be better. I hope. Hope dies last.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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