7 key traits that you need to possess to become a successful architect

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For architects, design and construction go hand in hand. An architect's mind is able to juggle numbers, lines, and angles, as well as creative ideas that most of us can't even begin to comprehend, all at the same time.

Ahmed Saj Rashid, one of the most talked-about architects from London, throws further light on the same notion. Here, he talks about several traits that make a successful architect.

1. You Possess a High Degree of Intelligence

says that it takes a lot of work to be an architect, and most of the time, architects wear many hats throughout the process. They'll need a wide range of skills, and they'll need to be very strong in a number of them. Architects must be well-versed in all aspects of construction, from the structural to the electrical and mechanical.

This is a challenge that requires a high degree of intelligence. Although intelligence alone does not guarantee success as an architect, it can provide a solid base from which to build. You must be able to determine the essential calculations to make buildings work, grasp the qualities of the materials you are working with, and build safe and sound structures from beginning to end.

2. You're willing to Put in the Time and Energy.

To be successful in any field, a person must be willing to put in a significant amount of time and effort. This could necessitate lengthy hours at the office, on the job site, or even at home to ensure that everything is done to the highest standard.

Ahmed Saj Rashid further adds that it is your responsibility to ensure the safety and stability of each project, and this will not be achieved with minimal work on your part.

3. You Have the Ability to Solve Complex Issues.

To become a successful architect, you must be able to identify and solve difficulties. As per , you'll run into issues every step of the way, whether you're working on a building or trying to satisfy a client. For example, structural or design difficulties may be involved. Problems like these necessitate the capacity of architects to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.

 Problems like these necessitate the capacity of architects to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions

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4. You Have the Ability to Successfully Negotiate

It is critical for architects to have excellent interpersonal skills. Clients, engineers, interior designers, and other employees all want you to be able to communicate clearly and concisely. In addition, as indicated by Ahmed Saj Rashid, you must be able to communicate your thoughts and aspirations for a particular design to other people (and occasionally convince them).

5.You are open to Learning

A dedication to lifelong learning is a prerequisite for becoming an architect. There is a license process to be completed in the state where you want to practice as an architect. Most of the time, this process consists of three stages: education, experience, and testing. Accreditation by the National Architectural Accreditation Board must be a requirement for any school that offers a degree in architecture.

Ahmed Saj Rashid further adds that you must pass an exam to become licensed to practice architecture after completing your training. As new licenses and accreditations become available, you'll have to keep up with them. This is the only way to remain competitive in your field.. It is possible that you will be a successful architect if this is something you enjoy doing.

6. You Possess an Unconventional Mindset.

The ability to think outside of the box is a vital part of the job of an architect. Creating awe-inspiring structures while adhering to safety rules, as per Ahmed Saj Rashid, is a challenge. Creative thinking is the only way to do this. When it comes to designing, architects must engage both the left and right sides of their brains in order to bring out both their analytical and creative sides. It's quite likely that architecture is the ideal professional option for those who enjoy drawing, sketching, envisioning, and creating.

7. You have an innovative Mind.

The art and science of architecture go hand in hand. If you want a beautiful and elegant building, you must incorporate some mathematical science into your design process. For architects, understanding how various materials and components interact is essential. Knowing which ones don't work well together is also vital. This is how you build a structure that is beautiful and safe, sound, and long-lasting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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