where it all started...

9 1 0

Trust is the foundation for love.

"Hurry up Yas we're gonna be late." Liz vigorously texted on her phone. It was already midday and the train was due at 12:20. The weather was hot and sticky, I wiped the sweat off my face with my new shirt as I looked around my closet for some matching bottoms. I don't feel like going out today after what happened the other day... Liz is gonna be with her new boyfriend Christian, whom we all call Chris, I hate Chris. Hate is a strong word...but the right one for how I feel towards him. I feel like he's the reason our friend group got separated. He's short and super full of himself. He talks weirdly and has the biggest ego. His haircut looks like your grandma's curtains and his outfits don't go well together. I know he's gonna play Liz, he's done it before, but it's not up to me. At the end of the day, I'm not one to give advice.

Krissy shows up finally. Half an hour late of course. "omg! pass me the straightener right now. Daniels coming today" Liz and I look at each other and chuckle then roll our eyes sarcastically. "boyfriend number what now" I replied snickering. Krissy takes the straightener and violently smacks it in front of my face. "He's different guys, he goes to church and I need me a good church boy". "Wait isn't Seb coming?" Liz looks up from her mirror and blurts out. "eh we'll see" Krissy scoffs back. She had options anyways. They all had someone. Chris and Liz and her third wheel 'best friend' Leo. We all know he has a crush on her but doesn't want to admit it. Krissy and her multiple boyfriends. and me with...just me. Looking at myself back then I believed at the time I wasn't looking for a relationship, I didn't need one, but all I ever wanted was love to be honest. I wanted to be taken care of. I wanted to smile at my phone and dance around all in love and shit. I wanted to go out with someone and take those little photo booth photos. I wanted to have someone to call after every minor inconvenience and tell them everything that happens in my life, someone I could stay on call with for hours on end and never get bored. I wanted all of that but I just constantly denied it. Even though deep inside I knew that was the real reason I was talking to multiple guys in hope of one being a pure boy with a good heart.

We finally reach the mall. The whole day wasn't going well for me, my makeup was not cooperating, my lashes were falling off, and I felt stuffy surrounded with people I barely knew. I glanced around the group of people I was with. A short Asian kid with some knock-off shoes and layered necklaces with his hands around Liz's waist. A lanky brown kid with his head tilted glancing at his phone, clearly uninterested, Krissy on the phone with her boyfriend number what now, laughing and arguing like always and a tall scrawny white boy with Nike from head to toe and a bum bag wrapped around his torso giving side-eyes to Chris. Ahh the Leo and Chris rivalry that's never going to end.I glance at my phone for the 65th time in the last hour

why isn't he answering

I was bored of talking to boys and manipulating them to get what I'd like and then not talking again. I want something real, something authentic. I'm not even sure why I was so bothered by the fact that he was ignoring me. We walk around the mall and go into stores, acting like we don't visit this mall weekly, until all of a sudden I look around to show Krissy a ring when I can't seem to find her. I ask Liz about it and she just shrugs her shoulders and continues attempting to stuff the rings down her pocket. She bursts into the store 2 minutes later "guess who came guys"

Not this again

"Who is it this time Krissy?" I reply as I let out a sigh. I follow her out of the store and there she is having a conversation with a tall white boy who was wearing baggy jeans and a hoodie. He had a fitted red cap on covering his very bad cut Edgar and matching red jordans to go with it. He was leaning against a chair with his hands inside his pockets. I quickly go to Krissy and attempt to get her to hurry up. The boy she was talking to was alright looking and Krissy claims he is different but then again she says that with every boy. Ping. My phone lights up

He finally texted back.

I have no idea why I was excited for that message back. I just turn off my phone and follow Krissy back to the jewellery shop.

"So what was that about?" I look up from the ground trying to break the awkward silence.

"I dunno he's a bit boring, but omg he has cute friends that are your type I can set you up"

"As if Krissy they're gonna be like the guys before, there's no point"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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