I opened my eyes, Before me was a man. Brown hair, brown eyes, and a blue suit. I remembered. That man saved me. He saved me from the life I never wante--
I snapped out of my blank stare. "Hm?" I quietly replied. He smiled back warmly. "Your memory may be a bit fuzzy. All you need to know is that your name is Lea Nier and you are in the TARDIS with me." I nodded back shyly and sat up.
Huh?Oh.This coat. The man's coat was on me the whole time I slept.
"You don't talk much do you?" The man said as he sat down on the floor next to me. I hugged my knees and hid my face there. Alright. I have to gather my thoughts. So my name is Lea an--
Wait a minute.
My head shot up. I..I-I seriously don't remember anything at all! "Don't worry about it." I turned my head to him with a questioned look. "I won't go into details this early.But...It was your choice."
A fake smile. That what was on his face. Loneliness was behind the demeanor. I finally spoke up. "Who...Who are you?" He look at my with a true smile.
"I'm the Doctor."