The PaperGirl (Jemi Love Story)

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Demi: 14 years old

Joe: 19 years old

Nick: 16 years old

Kevin: 21 years old

Frankie: 9 years old

Selena: 16 years old

Miley: 16 years old.

Prologue: Demi is a young girl who lives with her dad,and her mom, her dad has been abusing her since she was around 5  years old.  Selena Gomez is famous and is Demi's best friend, only Selena knows about what is going on with Demi and her Dad. Demi has an older brother Zac who is in the Marines and has not been home in three years. Joe Kevin and Nick are famous as well in both singing and acting, they have known Demi since she started doing their paper route two years ago when she was twelve, she had stayed over a couple times and just hung out. They really liked her especially Joe, Kevin felt like her older brother as did Nick.

"Dems are you sure you can do it by yourself?" Selena asked worried, this was the first time that Demi would be doing the paper route since the accident which caused her blindness.

"Yes Sel, I'm Sure!" Demi smile din her direction, her sick eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Okay, well call me when you get done and I'll come and get you." Sel sighed and headed off to her Wizards of Waverly Place's taping.

"Go on, I'll be fine!" Demi yelled, when Sel looked back one more time

During her route Demi had a good time, she remembered all the houses from before she went blind and Sel had made sure before she started that there would be no obstacles in her way. Demi finally reached the Jonas Brothers mansion, they were always protective of her and since she hadn't delivered the paper in 6 months she had a feeling that they would. Kevin, Joe and Nick had just gotten back from their summer tour, they were getting ready to head to bed when they looked at the security camera and saw a young girl stop at the gate use the keypad and slip inside the gate. Only one person besides them, their parents and big Rob knew the code It was Demi!

"Oh my gosh, it's Demi!" Joe announced, they ran to the door and flung it open. Just as she reached the door he yelled "Demi!"

"Oh, hey Joe," Demi said softly, inwardly her heart was beating really fast as she knew questions were coming.

"Where have you been?" Kevin asked watching her closely seeing how she wouldn't look at them.

"I just needed some time off." She mumbled, Kevin reached out and lifted up her chin, she shut her eyes quickly.

"Nick turn on the light," Kevin ordered softly, Nick did so and saw how Demi tensed and try to turn away. Kevin felt his stomach sink a little and backed up towards the door.

"Come here Demi," Kevin ordered, Joe and Nick watched curiously as she opened her eyes and slowly walked forward and straight into the door that Kevin had closed.

"What the.." Joe and Nick exclaimed watching as she rubbed her nose.

"You're blind," Kevin said calmly, Demi sighed and biting her lip she slowly nodded."

"Are we your last house?" Nick asked, he was in complete shock.

"Yes, why?" She asked, and stepped towards his voice.

"Come inside  and tell us everything." Joe replied, him and nick gently brought her into the house. Kevin shut the door and followed them to the living room. Demi had been there many times and walked to a couch, she felt around and feeling nothing she sat down.

"Tell us everything." Kevin said softly sitting next to her, Joe and Nick pulled up the love seat and sat in front of them.

"Well um, six months ago me and my parents were at the bank when suddenly all heck broke lose, these to men came in with guns and ordered everyone on the floor, mommy and daddy were with a teller and didn't know what was happening. I glanced up from the floor and saw Mommy and daddy coming around the corner smiling and " Demi started breathing heavily as she remembered what happened next, Kevin wrapped his arm around her shoulder and tugged her close. "then the guys looked up and saw them and bam! He shot them both right in front of me, all I remember is me screaming over and over again. One of the guys came over and shot me in the head, when I woke up I was blind." She finished her breathing still irregular, her fingers moving nervously.

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