Crimson Scarlet Red Dreams

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Dreams of crimson scarlet red

Drip drip drop into my head

At night when my mind's at sleep

These horrible thoughts do creep

So slowly yet with stealth

They ruin and wreck my health

Bringing out the worst within me

Within seconds my heart stops beating

My heart of gold that is

And my mind's in a bit of a dizz

For those threads of crimson red

Are spinning thoughts in my head

They entwine them like a web

trying to turn my happiness dead

Till my heart of black starts to beat through

And my mind of evil grew

Now it's far to late to be saved

For if you try- the price will be grave

But just remember if you see me ever mad

Those crimson scarlet red dreams turned me bad!



This is one of my fav. poems that i've written! hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2011 ⏰

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