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Our story starts off during Week 4 of Friday Night Funkin'
Surely, nothing could go wrong?

"Bring it on boy!" Mearest shouts, she hadn't had this much fun in ages. Maybe her daughter's Boyfriend wasn't so bad after all.

"Beep boop, suck my di-"
"I mean, beep boop!" Boyfriend responds. He normally wouldn't talk using understandable words, but sneaking in a snarky insult never hurts. Sneaking in a snarky insult in front of your girlfriend's mom however, does hurt.

Girlfriend turns around to see if anyone had caught on to them. Instead, she was greeted by an uncanny sight.

One of the dancing henchmen, standing there as if he were a lifeless statue, occasionally twitching. Not only was he not dancing, his appearance looked off to. It's as if he were covered in a goo of some sorts.

"I think that henchman over there is going to attack us!"

And he did.

As if it were out of thin air, the dancer leaped towards our singers, aiming at Boyfriend. Mearest had other plans though. She starts to wrestle with the demon, giving her daughter and her lover time to escape. Girlfriend insisted on running, but Boyfriend wanted to sing. Singing solves everything, right?

It spread like wildfire. As she was preforming direct physical contact with the henchman, Mearest was already half covered by this goo now. There was something else off too.. She seemed to be in good shape, but more reluctant to fight. An unnaturally wide smile started to appear across her face.

Then, she got up, silently, staring at our lovers with wide eyes.

"M-mom, you remember us right?" Girlfriend says, stuttering. Boyfriend pulls his microphone out.

MM slowly shakes her head.
Then, she attacked.

It's as if the dancer had "corrupted" Mearest in a way.

Girlfriend and Boyfriend had to dodge the flurry of attacks. After her unsuccessful attempt, Mearest dropped down on to her knees, and uttered her first words in this state.


Girlfriend grabs her lover's arm and starts to run. Fast. She didn't want to see her mom like this. She didn't want this thing to spread. She wanted her and boyfriend to be safe.

All was well, until a question popped up in their minds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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