Glances to Chances

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There he was across the park playing basketball with his three friends. His blonde hair all sweaty from playing for a long time. Olivia couldn’t help staring at him. “Olivia stop drooling” Scarlett said teasingly.

“I wasn’t drooling” Olivia replied “I’m just observing” she said guiltily. 

“I don’t get why you two aren’t together already” Zoey stated.

  “Seriously Zoey’s right, you guys are perfect for each other” said Scarlett agreeing with her. Olivia rolled her eyes.

“Guys that would be so much easier if Jayk wasn’t my brother.”

“So” Zoey and Scarlett said at the same time “your point?” Zoey finished.

“I straight up tell you your brother’s hot” Scarlett said with a smile on her face.

“Yes but that’s different” Olivia answered, “You see you guys only see Jayk sometimes while I see TC every freakin’ day”.

The next day

It was about 11 in the morning, Olivia had just woken up. The doorbell had just rung for about the fifth time before she got aggravated and opened it. Staring at her was the blonde-haired boy.

“Hey Liv” he said smiling.

“Hey Teece” she said stunned, “Uhh I just woke up” she said glancing at her pajama shorts and one of her brother’s t-shirts.

“I see” he said chuckling, “so can I come in?’ he asked.

“Uh yeah, I think Jayk’s still sleeping” she replied closing the door after him. Crap, she thought, why does he come at a time when I look like a complete mess?

“Oh no he’s not, I just saw him this morning”.

“So why are you here?” she asked in confusion.

“To see you” he said half-smiling.

Olivia’s heart could not stop racing. TC was here, in her house, to see her.

“Really, why?” she tried to sound calm.

“Uhh well…” he did a hairflip “I was wondering if maybe you would want to go out with me” he finished shyly.  She continued to star at him. ‘You know like a date” he added.

“Uh-huh” was all she could say trying to figure out if this was real or not.

Later that day

“What, he asked you out?!” both Scarlett and Zoey exclaimed. Olivia explained to them everything that had happened that morning.

“And did you say yes?!” Zoey asked excitedly.

“No, Zoey I said no to the guys that I’ve been crushing on since I met him” Olivia said sarcastically.

“And Jayk, what does he think of this?” Scarlett questioned.

“TC told me that he asked Jayk and he was totally fine with it” Olivia replied happily.

“I’m so happy for you” Scarlett said hugging her friend.

That night

“Liv, TC’s here” Olivia heard her brother yell.

“Coming” she yelled back. Okay this is it, she thought to herself, just don’t act clumsy or say something stupid.

Sitting on the couch was TC, smiling at her, “hey” he said getting up to hug her. Olivia just smiled back at him.

“Okay you guys can go now” Jayk said anxiously.

“What you have a date too?” Olivia asked.

“As a matter of fact, I do” he said. The two boys fist-pounded.

“Sweet” TC said.

“Bye Jayk, see you later” Olivia said as TC grabbed her hand and led her to his car.

“So where are we going?” Olivia asked.

“It’s a surprise” TC replied grinning at her. When the car came to a complete stop Olivia asked “so what are we doing at the beach?”

“I thought we’d watch the sunset’ he said. The two climbed on the hood of the car. They sat in silence for a while, Olivia leaning on TC, his arms wrapped around her.

“So what made you decide to ask me out?” Olivia asked curiously, breaking the silence.

“I’ve always liked you, but the other day Jayk caught me staring at you” he said shyly, “and then he told me to go for it.”

“Well I’m glad he caught you staring or we wouldn’t be sitting her right now” she said smiling.

TC leaned in to kiss Olivia just as the sun was about to set. They pulled away, smiled at each other, and continued to watch the sky as it would soon turn to night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2013 ⏰

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