Meeting Campbell

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My mental health has been bad lately. I keep having these, episodes where my mind just soars above everything else. I yell, scream, and feel like no one can stop me. However, those aren't the only episodes I have. Often, after one of my "highs", I crash. I feel like I'm worthless, and don't deserve to live. These had never gotten that bad until the other night.

I don't know what it was but something just set me off. I didn't realise what I was doing until I came to. I was already in the hospital when I woke up. I was sent to a therapist the next day, who told me I could be a danger to myself or others, and since I was "only" 17 I had to become an inpatient. This news struck me like a dagger to the heart. I... didn't wanna get help. I fought back tears as the therapist explained to me where I was going. "it's a lovely place called St. Judes in Glasgow, I'm sure you'll fit in just fine there."

"you're... sending me to a loony bin?" I blurted out, still trying to hold back tears.

"miss l/n, I am sending you to a mental institute so you can get better." he corrected me.

There were 10 long seconds of silence before I finally said:

"when do I have to leave."

"you have three days until they're expecting you, miss l/n."

"I'd better get packing then, I guess."

Those three days flew by fast. I didn't know how long I was going to be in St. Judes, but I hoped it wasn't long. I had never been to an asylum before, I had only seen them in movies, with patients being forced into strait jackets, tied down to beds, beat up, meds shoved down their throats. This made me even more scared to go.

I'm sitting in the back seat of my mums' car as she drives up to the St. Judes building. It sure does look like an asylum, all right. It's an old building, or at least it looks old. It looks a lot like an old church, with towers topped by crowns of spikes. It's one freaky looking building.

Out front, we're greeted by a nurse, who leads us inside. 

"y/n, I'll just have a word with your mother and get her to sign a few things. This is your ward that you'll be staying in while you are with us, so please, have a wander around and make yourself at home."

She leaves with my mum and just like that, I'm all alone in the hallway. It's quiet. I can faintly hear someone screaming in what sounds like the ward next to this one. My stomach sinks. I don't wanna be here, I think to myself. I start to walk down the hallway, away from the screaming. I'm sure whatever is happening in the next ward over is not something I want to see. I keep walking, looking to my left and right until I stop just outside a room. It has a few couches, armchairs and a TV. Gathered around the TV are about 15 patients, all staring at it as if hypnotised. I suddenly feel sick. It's all too overwhelming. I try to calm myself down but it's too late. Tears blur my vision. My mind races. I start taking deep breaths but I'm interrupted by a voice behind me.

"Bunch o' zombies, that lot"

I turn around to see a tall, skinny guy, in a stripey green and white t-shirt. He has light brown hair, nearly blonde, which he's pushing back out of his face. His eyes are dark brown and he's smiling big and wide. He drops his smile when he sees my teary expression. I notice and quickly turn away to wipe my eyes on my sleeve.

"I'm sorry?" I ask him, forgetting what he said.

"I said, they're a bunch o' zombies, I reckon" His smile returns as he gestures to the patients over my shoulder.

"All they do is watch that bloody telly, day in, day out." He jokes.

I let out a small laugh.

"So, what brings you to this part of St. Judes loopy loony bin?" He pulls his best "loopy loony" face. "You visiting someone, or just terribly lost?"

"Actually, I'm a new patient." I say, slightly embarrassed. "This is my ward"

"You're kidding me!" He yells, his smile getting even bigger. "But you're like... MY AGE!" He jumps up and down on the spot.

"Well, that depends, how old are you?" I asked him, now smiling.

He stopped jumping around and folded his arms, smirking. "That depends, how old are YOU?" he said, mimicking me. I laughed.

"I'm 17, 18 in a few months" I replied, now folding my arms too.

He unfolded his arms and started jumping around again. "YOU'RE KIDDING ME! THAT'S AMAZING! I CANNY BELIEVE-"

I cut him off. "Are you not gonna tell me how old you are?" I ask him.

"I'm 19!" He yells out to me while still jumping around.

"Well that's not too bad" I reply, still crossing my arms but now smirking at him.

A nurse walks in, looking around.

"Campbell Bain! You've missed the medicine rounds again. Go talk to Dr McDonald and tell him what happened so you can get your meds." She told him sternly. He looked at me.

"So that's your name. Campbell... Bain?" I smiled.

"Don't wear it out" Campbell says with a bad American accent that makes me giggle. "They're always pumping me with meds here. Downers for when I'm up, uppers for when I'm down," he points at the nurse. "if you did that out there it'd be illegal," he points to the door. "you'd be arrested!" he says all this with a sly, joking smile.

"just go, Campbell." The nurse says.

"Fine, but not before I get your name," he says, looking at me.

"It's y/n, y/n l/n" I reply.

"Well then, y/n l/n, I shall see you around."

"Same with you, Campbell Bain"

As he walks away, I can't help but stare and grin behind him. He's certainly different, I think to myself, but... good different.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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Campbell Bain x Reader One-Shots (Takin Over The Asylum)Where stories live. Discover now