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JJP Au idea.
Jinyoung and Jaebum forced for an arranged marriage. 
Jinyoung already loves Mark. 
Jb best friend Jackson.
Jb and Jackson knows that Jinyoung loves Mark.
All four are best friends from college times.
Contract says that for the businesses to merge they should marry and stay together for a year.
After an year they can do anything.
Along the way Jb starts to see Jinyoung in a new light and starts to like Jinyoung.
Jackson is the only one who knows it.
Jackson already has a crush on Jb so he gets angry at Jinyoung.
Jb gets really sad when he finds Jinyoung and Mark in his and Jinyoung's bedroom doing stuff he has to do with his husband.
He knows it is useless to think that he has a chance with Jinyoung.
He confronts Jinyoung and Jinyoung becomes oblivious and tells that he will be with Mark in Mark's house and will come back when their parents come to see.
Jb gets sad and starts to drink.
Jackson gets worried about Jb and starts to hate Jinyoung for doing this to Jb.
After a year Jinyoung and Jaebum gets divorced and Jinyoung goes to LA with Mark.
Jb gets drunk and drives and gets into an accident.
Stays in coma for 8 months.
Jackson stays with Jb the whole time.
A week after Jb wakes up when Jb and Jackson are watching news they see that Jinyoung and Mark has got married, when Jackson gets pale after seeing it Jb asks why he is like that and asks Jackson who they are (Jinyoung and Mark).
Jackson becomes relieved that Jb doesn't remember Jinyoung and says that he is no one Jb should bother about.
But Jb says that Jinyoung is really pretty and Jackson gets angry saying that Jinyoung is no one to Jb   
Jb gets startled, Jackson apologized later after cooling down.
Jb return to business and and starts to work hard.
Jackson asks out Jb and Jb says yes to him.
After dating for an year Jb's father gives him blessings to marry Jackson.
They get engaged.
Jinyoung comes back to Korea with Mark to see his parents.
They see the big plasma screen displaying the news that Jb has returned to the field after the deathly accident and surprises the people in the nation with the news about his second marriage, also shows a cut of Jb speaking about Jackson has helped him through the process of healing and has stayed with him all his lifetime.
Jinyoung waits until Jb mentions something about their marriage, but Jb never says a word about his first marriage, it's like Jb thinks that his marriage with Jackson is his first marriage.
Jinyoung kinda feels disappointed about it.
Mark says that they should go and see Jb because of his accident.
Jinyoung gets kinda excited to see Jb but doesn't show Mark that he is excited.
The next day when they go to meet Jb in his office they see Jackson.
Jackson greets them well as he us now reassured that Jb doesn't remember Jinyoung at all. 
Jackson warns them that Jb might behave weirdly but not to get worry about it.
When the three of them goes to Jb's office Jb comes to greet Jackson with a sweet kiss in mouth.
Jinyoung sees this and feels uncomfortable and remembers his one and only kiss he shared with Jb on his wedding day, Jinyoung can still feel it in his lips.
After the sweet moment he shared with Jackson, Jb realize that he has guests and blushes hard after realizing what they saw.
Jb identifies Mark as his friend from college and he greets Mark with a bro hug.
When he comes to Jinyoung, Jinyoung tries to give Jb a hug but when he sees Jb's confused face he backs away.
Jb looks at Mark and asks him if he got married without telling him.
And Mark realizing that this is what Jackson said about Jb's weird behavior ignored Jb forgetting Jinyoung and introduced Jinyoung to Jb and Jackson.
Jb said that he remembers Jinyoung from somewhere and thinks for awhile.
Jackson panics and Jinyoung gets a bit hope which is immediately shattered when Jb says that it was from the news when they announced about Mark's marriage.
Jackson signs in relief and Jinyoung sees this but decides to think about it later as he started to stare at Jb realizing how handsome Jb looks in office attire which reminds him that he has never seen Jb in office attire, this makes him sad.
Jackson remembers that Jb has a meeting with some clients and sends him to it promising that he will schedule dinner with Mark and his husband that day, this makes Jinyoung happy and sad.
Happy because he will meet Jb again that day and sad because Jackson referred to him as Mark's husband and not Jb's friend.  Before going for the meeting Jb hugged Jackson tightly and gave him a kiss on the mouth again. While hugging Jb Jackson looked at JinYoung over Jb's shoulder just to see Jinyoung's smile turn upside down. Jackson invited them to the office cafeteria to talk more with Mark and Jinyoung.
Mark immediately asked what happened to Jb after they went.
Jackson then started to tell them the story how Jb got into an accident the same day Jinyoung left to America with Mark. Both of them were shocked to hear it and asked why Jackson didn't tell them about the accident, but Jackson just shrugged it off saying that he didn't want to disturb the new couple by it. Jinyoung felt the need to tell that he deserved to know about it but stopped himself when he remembered that they had already gotten divorced at that time.
When Mark asked why Jb didn't remember Jinyoung, Jackson said them what the doctors told him, that Jb has developed partial amnesia making him forget something which has bothered him.
Jinyoung couldn't believe that Jb forgot all the memories of him, even the sweet memories they had at college before the marriage, but was also concerned by the fact that  he had been a bothering memory to Jb.
When Mark asked Jackson as to why he didn't tell Jb about Jinyoung, Jackson answered saying that it would worsen Jb's memory loss making him forget everything and that the doctor told him to just let the memories come to him slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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