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Hi, my name is Oliva and I live on a street of hate. There are drug dealers all around. Smokers are an overly popular sighting and people own illegal weapons... illegally. The police know my street pretty well by now.
To see a fire truck, ambulance or police car is nothing new. I've grown up in this sh*thole having never moved houses. I've watched from afar and seen things I shouldn't ever have seen in a lifetime, but I guess that's just life?

There is Clarissa. She is the leader, the queen of dealers. She looks like death and hell served up on a plate with her dark red, scraggly hair and her bones covered only by skin. She has three children, Neave, Tyeriq and Anita, all from different fathers that have, no doubt, been to jail for time more than once. God watch over those kids.
The devil herself has her own problems. Clarissa is constantly hunted for money that she hadn't repaid, drugs that she had promised, deals that had been broken and that's not even the tip of the iceberg.
If the devil walked among us, she was him in all her glory.

The other side of street also has its heinous of idiots. They come in gangs and hang around the skate park at the end of the street or wander side ally's endlessly. Teenagers and young adults that have been sucked into the black hole. Their futures have been crushed by the weight of police records held against their names. The amount of times a fire brigade has shown up on our street because they had set the park on fire again, can't be counted with two, or even four hands.
It isn't unlikely to see different gangs hanging around. There are so many. They range from the young age of thirteen to their mid twenties, mainly guys with a couple of girls. They destroy things so that they don't feel destroyed. Their parents have since given up on trying to help them and have kicked them out of home, unless they are already doing the same. Hunter was one of them, walking the edge of the dark pit. He knew no end, doing deals for the devil, he couldn't get out. That was before I met him.

My family. Well, we are surrounded in this wretched place, our house being smack bang in the middle of the left side of the street. My mother (Kaylee) works too hard for people that don't give a damn. She gets paid little for what she does and is always tired. My father (Dylan) is similar in a way. He works at a job he likes but gets paid little and is also always tired. My sister, Sierra, is in her second year of uni completing a double degree in engineering and science. I know right?! Talk about setting the bar high. She usually has her head in text books or her laptop, so I don't get to talk to her often. Then there's me, Olivia. I am 17 years old and this was my life until I met Hunter. What I didn't realise was that Hunter would turn my world upside down.  Cliche I know. Deadly games, never ending lies and relentless crimes.

This is my story about The Day I Met Hunter.

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