Author News (Possibly important.)

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Hello to anyone that may possibly stumble upon the trashy fan fiction, but I don't know if it will continue.

It isn't a motivation thing, but there isn't really a plot and I feel like it isn't going to be the fan fiction I wanted it to be.

I can always make a new book if anyone has any ideas for a plot, haha.

Basically to sum it all up I don't know if this fan fiction will be something I feel confident enough to claim.

I may rewrite it though, so if that makes anyone intrigued, don't worry! I kind of run off of support so if anyone is interested in me writing some more I will appreciate it.

You don't have to read my writing, no pity party!! I am writing this 65% for me and 34% just to explain my lack of a good eventful plot.

Thank you if you read this, and just note I am usually online (shamefully enough) reading.

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