Chapter 1

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I don't know where to begin. Maybe that's because I don't know anything. I just kind of, exist. Floating in a mass of white emptiness. Alone.

It feels like an eternity has passed before I'm lifted out of my foggy haze of my white reality. It starts with a very faint sound, almost like a distant sobbing. Time passes and the sound becomes louder until it feels like the sobbing is coming from a person right next to me. Why anyone would be crying I don't know because there is no one and nothing to be sad about. Only emptiness.

Then I see my first color. I don't know how I even know these words to describe my scene. I don't recall learning anything yet I'm sure of these meanings. Imagine knowing everything you do minus the memory of learning them and who you learned them with. That is what I'm going through. The first color that blinds my eyes is the brightness of blonde.

After the first sounds and color everything begins to piece together. Suddenly the vision of a hospital room litters my vision. There are many bouquets of flowers placed through out the room. More kinds than I even know the names on. These flowers are accompanied by cards and stuffed animals along with other trivial gifts.

As I'm still taking in this sight, wondering how I got into this bed, and why so many tubes are attached to the needling pumping the fluids into my arms, someone speaks to me. At least I think it's to me. The man and I are the only two souls in the room.

"Alice? Alice, thank God! You're alive, and awake!" the blonde exclaims at me. While still in my state of confusion not fully comprehending who this "Alice" person is, he yells "Doctor Hadley, she's awake! She's alive!" I notice he has a strange accent that I can't quite my finger on where it could be from.

At that moment a brunette women who appears to be in her late thirties promptly enters the room. I try to speak but my brain and mouth aren't communicating and not a single sound leaves from me. As the women examines me the man keeps talking. I don't think he understands I don't know him. How could I possibly know him if I don't know who I am myself?

The doctor then begins to ask me questions. "Do you know where you are? Do you know what happened?"

I open my mouth as to answer and yet again my body and brain disobey me. A horrid screeching sound emits from my mouth. I am poured a glass of water and a drink the whole thing instantaneously to quench the parchedness that plagues my throat.

The first words I utter is the one thing I know I will remember forever. I looked at the blonde man and asked the question that would change everything. "Who are you?"

The words made his smile drop swiftly. His beaming glow of happiness is crushed and replaced by an aura of despair. He looked as though everything he ever loved in the world had disappeared. Which I later learned had truly happened. I stare blankly at this man who means nothing to me along with the rest of the humans on this planet. I do feel sad when I see the dry tear stains on his face begin to soak again. He sobs and backs away from me. Almost as if he is horrified by my words.

"Alice? It's me, don't you remember?" He says this in a hoarse voice

I reply "Your name is me?" Me is the strangest name I've ever heard

The doctor interrupts before either of us could say another word to each other. She asks me what should be a simple question, "Do you know your name?"

I shake my head as to say no which sends the blonde into a fresh wave of tears. The doctor pulls him out of the room to speak to him and leaves me alone to wonder. I wish someone would tell me what is going on. Who am I? Who is he? Where am I? Why am I here? There are so many questions I don't have answers to.

After roughly five minutes of me left alone staring at a white wall, back in my land of emptiness, the doctor and man reenter. He looks rundown, a dramatic difference from mere minutes ago.

The doctor finally gives me the answers I was longing for.

"Your name is Alice Skyler Turning. You are 20 years old. A month ago you were in a car crash, and since then you have been in a coma. You have suffered a traumatic head injury which we now know has lead to you having amnesia. This is Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. You live here in LA with him, your boyfriend of 3 years, Niall Horan."

I try to take in all of this information. I repeat it back to myself over and over. I try to rap my head around it. I really try but I don't remember any of this. No memories are triggered. I mean it seems like I, we, have a good life. I mean we live in LA.

Niall just stares at me and hopes I remember something, anything. I hang my head. I can't look him in the eye. Now that I know I loved, or maybe love Niall it breaks my heart to break his. Niall exits the room and I hear him making several phone calls. I listen to the doctor ramble on, but I'm really thinking about him. I can't stop thinking about him. I watch him through the glass door of hospital room. Eventually Doctor Hadley finishes. I thank her and she leaves.

As I watch Niall talk I see that he calls several people. As he talks many emotions flash through him; happiness, sadness, and anger. I wish I could remember so I wasn't such a nuisance but it's out of my control.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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