Meanwhile, at Soft's house...
"What happened with the roof?" Wondered Detective moff as he looked through the house for clues as to what happened there.
"Dorol," Soft rubbed her forehead while staring into a comically large encyclopaedia. "What in the ever living hell is vryology."
"You idiot!" Dorol threw a marker out at the still broken window. "It's Vryology! The very base of our existence! It defines the cultural basis of Discord!"
"Yes but it doesn't make ANY GUCKING SENSE."
"Fine," Dorol fixed his non-existent sunglasses. "Watch."
He danced around like some kind of weird TikTok dog. His eyes spark red and his paws glow.
"Hey what are you two schmucks doing around here!?" Moff yelled
"This is a potential crime scene!"
Detective Moff looked through the entire city, eventually finding David and Apple.
"Hey! You there!"
David did not even get a chance to turn around before he was shot. Apple stared in disbelief, and contemplated how far the fall was off a cliff her father used to hike at.
"DAVID!" Apple screamed in agony. Another friend lost. Apple's constant crying came to a halt as her shock was too large.
Moff, along with Rice with his rifle and Coolslord that descended from the sky, forged themselves into a terrifying eldritch horror.
"Heh, another dead kidnapper." Said Moff chuckling to himself. "Soft told me about you and this psychopath, you are now saved!"
Footsteps were heard behind the pair.
Soft x Apple
FanfictionA thrilling romance by a bunch of toddlers. Writers: Rice Krispies Coolslord Moff man / bullet boi Characters: Morvid Dorol Soft (Sust) Rice Krispies Moff man David Discord server this was written in: Mossbag & Friends Copying the whole thing into a...