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"I am sorry you want me to do what now?"

Namjoon rolls his eyes at the comical outburst of his friend Kim Taehyung as he zips his duffle bag after making sure he had taken everything he needs on his journey.

"Tae ,we have revised the script right ? You are going to look after my Bonsai in my absence and-"

"No freaking way I am going to talk to it, you get it ? I am a married man ,about to become a father ,you can not ask me to baby sit a plant !"

Namjoon drops his bag on the bed and turns around, eyes wide in offense "It's not just a plant.It's my baby.My whole world ,my-"

"Then why don't you take it with you? How can papa leave his only child with a step dad ?"

"I would have if I could!"

Taehyung shakes his head ,giving up completely. He was anyway going to look after the 'baby' but watering and checking if it lives is one thing,easy thing,he can do that.

Maybe he will ask Jimin to cover his shifts in plantsitting but talking to it so it doesn't feel lonely?

Nope.Even though he has his inner child still alive in him ,doesn't mean he will blabber his thoughts to a heap of green .

He feels a hand on his shoulders and looks up.Very rookie mistake.He should have saw it coming .

There was Namjoon looking at him with that puppy eyes of his ,he might even cry at this pace if he keeps the lost kicked puppy look on his face for a single more second .

Taehyung do not want that.

He loves his best friend (A lunatic who talks to his plants )too much to deny his simple request. So what ? He talks all the time.Might as well throw some at the plant too.

Big deal!

"Okay.I will talk to it too"
He sighs ,finally agreeing.

Namjoon's smile grew wide ,his dimples appearing and Taehyung waves him off before warning "But ,Yoongi hyung shouldn't hear a word about this.I swear if you -"

"Ofcourse not.It's a secret between just the two of us"
Taehyung chokes into the torchurous hug as the latter squeezes him in his death embrace.

"Ah what a melodramatic goodbye .Namjoon-ah ,come on you will miss your train"
Hoseok's voice rings into the apartment and Namjoon finally releases Taehyung.

Soon the trio descends down the stairs of Namjoon's apartment .

Taehyung watches Namjoon getting comfortable in the passenger seat. Hoseok gave him a curt smile before he drives the latter to the station.

He sighs ,pulling out the vibrating device and almost drops it when he sees his husband calling him


'Don't you Hey me Kim Taehyung, where the fuck are you right now ? '
Jimin asks ,sounding angry.

"Hey I remember okay.I was just waiting for hyung to leave.He left right now if you are curious by the way"

Taehyung takes a turn to where he had parked his car ,he could hear Jimin taking a few calm breaths and sighs.

'Did he told you when he is coming back ?'

Taehyung's hands stills on the key ,Jimin was now sounding worried "I don't know.But we all know how it works.He won't return until he finds his motivation to write. You know the gig,he will be back in no time "

I hope.

Taehyung says the last words to himself.

He hears nothing for a minute before Jimin sighs 'You are right .He will be back in no time'

SPRING DAY ❆ A NAMJIN AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now