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A/n: I'm so sorry that I haven't been uploaded. My WiFi connection has been down lately. Please forgive me!!

Narrator's POV:

It's been a few months now, ever since you arrived at UglyVille. The dolls there treated you like royalty, just for being different.

Although, you haven't really gotten used to the slang they use. For example, they used 'Ugly' as a compliment. You see... you got offended once..


'Hey [Name]! Lookin' Ugly today!'

"Huh?" Your voice was filled with shock and offense.

'Hey.. something wrong?.." They asked as soon as they saw tears welling in your eyes.

"Why would you....." You couldn't hold it anymore. You started sobbing softly. You see, this is your first time crying, you've only saw people crying when your kid took you somewhere or made you watch TV with her.

'Woah! Don't cry! Why are you crying!?" They asked in panic. While you, you were trying your hardest to wipe your tears.

You don't know why, but it felt embarrassing to be crying in front of somebody. And for a minor reason too...

"I'M FINE! I'm fine!" You exclaimed as you looked up at them with your tears gone.

"See! I'm fine, don't worry about me!" You shouted as you ran to Wage's Shop. Probably to go eat, and make yourself feel better.

Flashback over

Yeah.... that didn't end well. BUT, you were now in Wage's Shop.

Moxi always dropped you off at Wage for her to babysit you. You were always quiet so it was fine to her. Although.. you had a BIG appetite.

You'd always ask for food every five minutes. It didn't bother Wage, she was always fascinated with your big appetite. And the way you'd finish a meal in seconds.

What freaked her out was how your mouth would unhinge like a snake and stuff the food in your gut.

But she liked you nonetheless.


Present time:

You were walking around UglyVille, because Wage said to get out and get a little sunlight.

While you were walking you bumped into someone.

"Oh! [Name]! What a pleasant surprise!" Ox said as he pulled you up so you won't fall.

"A-ah! Yes.. uh, thank you for helping me... from... not falling??.." You awkwardly said.

"Heh-heh! Not a problem lil gal!" He assured. While you just sent him an awkward smile.

The moment was soon broken by a faint sound of growling. You hummed in confusion before searching where the sound is coming from. Only to find who it came from; Zero.

"Oh? Hello there Zero! How are yo-" Ox was suddenly cut of by Zero snapped at him.

"OH!" You exclaimed as you took Zero away since he was thrashing around, and held him on your side.

"[Name] is very sorry Zero doesn't like Ox-San. Gomen." You whispered the last part. While taking a feral Zero away.

「⚝⚘▁▁▁▁▁▁▁Timeskip ▁▁▁▁▁▁⚘⚝」

It was now night time in UglyVille. Everyone was getting ready to rest. Including you.

You see, you lived with Moxy. There was an extra room for you to take and pit all your stuff in.

(Let's just pretend that Moxy's house is big enough to have two bedrooms...)

Right now, Moxy was tucking you in. And Zero of course.

"Good night, [Name]." She quietly said while she pulled the covers over you and Zero, who was laying next to you.

"Night, Moxy." You replied before reaching for the wand on your table stand beside you. After receiving it, you then pointed it to the light-switch,, turning the lights off, surprising Moxy. You then waved it around. Soon it started glowing, and stars started spreading their way across your room.

Moxy awed at the beautiful sight in-front of her.

"Woah...." She soon looked at you with a calm an caring look.

"Good... good night [Nickname]." She said, walking out of the room. Leaving you shocked, she never gave you a nick name before.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a wave of tiredness washing over you. You slowly closed your eyes and let the sweet slumber take you to dream land. Not before thinking.

'It couldn't be better than this..'

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