Exam stress

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𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1216

𝗰𝘄: some self doubt, a tiny bit suggestive? and I think that's it's bc everything is just fluff

𝗮/𝗻: Am I projecting bc I have 4 finals next week and I'm stressed out? Yes. Did I write this while I was in class? Yes. Should I have been studying instead of writing this? Also yes.

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Freelancer sat in the kitchen with notebooks, worksheets, and study guides spread out all over the table. They stared at their notes, the same way they've been doing for the past half an hour, and yet it still didn't make sense. They groaned in frustration and buried their face in their hands. It was finals week and everything seemed to be piling up on them. They were stressed, to say the least, they had multiple tests and everything felt like too much. They already had a low grade in the class they were currently studying for and if they failed the test then they wouldn't pass the class. Their grade relied on this test and they were frustrated with themselves for not being able to understand it even though they had already gone over their notes several times. They've been at it since they woke up and they knew they should probably take a break but this was just too important.

Gavin could tell that they were stressing out, they looked tense, and he knew that they had been overworking themselves. He came up from behind them, kissed their cheek, and sat down on the chair next to them, "You've been studying for hours, deviant. Don't you think it's time to take a break?" he said while stroking their hair. "My final for this is in four days, Gavin. I can't just stop, this is important," they said, sighing, "I know it's important and I know you have to study. But that's not an excuse to overwork yourself. Have you even eaten or drank water today?" "I drank an iced coffee in the morning," they replied, which received a scoff from Gavin. "Freelancer, we've been over this, coffee isn't food. You need to eat and you need to drink water, especially if you're going to be studying all day. Take a break, deviant," he said, now caressing the inside of their thigh while leaning in to kiss their neck. "Gavin," they whined and he smiled against their neck. "It's dinner time anyway, we can order food, lay on the couch, watch a movie, and cuddle," he said and continued to kiss their neck while his hand started moving a little higher "among other things," he adds and freelancer can practically hear him smirking.

Freelancer began to lean into his touch when Gavin pulled away and gave them a kiss on the forehead. Freelancer groaned, "Tease," which earned a chuckle from Gavin "Seriously, Freelancer. You can't keep burning yourself out like this. Otherwise, when you actually have to take the test, you'll be too tired from studying that you won't do as well as you would if you weren't burnt out. C'mon, put the notes away," "But, Gavin," they began to complain, but he cut them off, "No buts. Just put it away. You can study all day tomorrow, as long as you take breaks, I'll even help you," he said and then whispered a "please". Freelancer seemed to think about it and then gave in and gathered their things from the table, causing Gavin to smile.

In the time that it took them to gather their things, and put them away, Gavin had already ordered the food. "What did you order?," freelancer asked, "The usual," he replied "So, pizza?" they asked and Gavin confirmed with a nod. They sat together in the kitchen talking for a while before the doorbell rang, signaling that the food was there. Gavin went to go pay the pizza guy and freelancer had no idea what Gavin said to him but from their spot in the kitchen they saw that he turned a shade of bright red and when he left, Gavin came back holding the pizza, while smirking. "What did you say to him?" they asked and his smile only got wider "Oh nothing, just friendly small talk. Let's eat before the food gets cold." He said and they began eating.

When they were done, they went to go sit on the couch and looked for a movie to watch, after a while of looking, they decided on rewatching the first Avengers movie. They were trying to pay attention to the movie but Gavin kept smothering them with cuddles and neck kisses, he was practically on top of them giving them a bear hug. They decided they couldn't stay in that position or he would crush freelancer, which led to the position they were in now. Gavin was leaning on the arm of the couch while freelancer was sitting between his legs, leaning on him. He was holding them against his chest, running his hands up and down their back, while occasionally leaving kisses on the top of their head.

"See, isn't this better than studying?," Gavin asked, Freelancer noded. "But you're still tense, what's wrong?" "I just can't stop thinking about school, I'm so stressed out. What if I fail? I'm going to have to retake the class and that's going to look horrible on my transcripts, not to mention, I'm going to fall behind on my other classes if I keep my focus on just this one and the other classes are important too. I don't know what to prioritize right now and everything just feels like too much. I feel like no matter how much I try it's just not good enough," they say, holding on to Gavin a little tighter. "Oh, freelancer. You're trying your best, you're putting so much work and effort into it and that makes it good enough, whether you pass or not, which you probably will, you should be proud of everything you've done. And if it wasn't already blatantly obvious, I'm proud of you and I love you," he says. Sometimes freelancer felt as though they loved him so much and appreciated him so deeply that when he said things like that, they didn't know how to respond. So, instead, they shifted their position to sit up a little and kissed him, slowly and sweetly. "I love you too, Gavin," and with that, they went back to the position they were in before.

"You look tired. Do you want to go to bed already?," "No it's ok, I won't fall asleep. I'm just resting my eyes a little," they said, closing their eyes. Although, Gavin could tell that that probably wasn't true, and lowered the volume on the tv. He continued running his hands up and down their back again, "All the stress will be over before you know it, you just need to make it through this week, I know you can do it. I believe in you, freelancer. You always underestimate yourself but you're going to do good on your exam, I know you will. And after that, this will all be over. But right now I don't want you to focus on that. Right now, I want you to be here with me. Keep your head on my chest and listen to my heartbeat, and know that it beats for you, while I hold you close to me," he says softly and looks down at freelancer, who was now peacefully asleep in his arms. "Sleep well, my love," he said to them, giving them one last kiss on the top of their head before closing his eyes too.

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