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Imagine being pretty
Lul can't relate
Modern beauty standards too high for me dawg
Can't even wear makeup because it just makes em higher

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

And then, it was Valentine's Day.
The day of love, confession, relationships, stuff along those lines.
Of course, being single, this holiday doesn't matter much to me.
Now, I know what you might be thinking,
B-but, {Y/n}! It's your chance to give Josuke chocolates and confess!

First of all, it's quite bold of you to think I'd actually confess, and second...

I don't know if he'd appreciate chocolates from me.

That was my only thought as I stared at the large pile of boxed chocolates on Josuke's desk.

And, as I stared, the door opened, a boy carrying a large stack of chocolates and cards walking into the room.
That boy being Josuke.
He stumbled as he walked, trying not to drop any of the gifts, as he slowly made his way to his desk.
I smiled, "You need some help with that?" I asked.

He looked at me, his hair perfect as always, "Oh, no thanks... I can manage."
He sat the chocolates on his desk, contemplating what to do with all the chocolates.
Luckily, I came prepared.

It just so happened that the night before, I'd actually planned for this.
I knew what day it would be, and I knew Josuke would be in this situation.
So, waking up at about 3AM, I had the brilliant nighttime idea of bringing disposable bags to school for Josuke.
I know, I know. I'm a genius. You don't have to tell me.
...right, anyways.

I took the two bags I'd brought out of my bag, before turning to Josuke, "Hey, you need these?" I said, holding them out to him.
He turned around, looking at the bags, "Oh, uh, are you sure?"
I nodded, "Yeah, I don't need 'em. I kinda guessed you'd be getting a bunch of chocolate, so... think of it as my Valentine's gift to you."
He laughed, "Weird gift, but thanks! I really needed these," he said, taking the bags, and beginning to fill them with the chocolates.
"You're welcome."

Okuyasu, who'd just walked in, looked at Josuke filling the bags with boxes of chocolate.
Sitting down next to Josuke, he grumbled, "How come only you get chocolates from girls..?"
Josuke glanced at Okuyasu, shrugging, "I dunno. I don't really even know any of them that well..."
"Not fair..." Okuyasu sulked.
I smiled, looking out the window as the teacher started the lesson.

.•✧•★• Şຟēēt •★•✧•.

It was second period, and I was sitting at my desk, bored.
I'd already finished the homework for the class, so I didn't have anything else to do.
Koichi, who'd just turned in the assignment, walked back over to his desk, which was next to mine.
He sat for a moment, moving the single rose which Yukako probably gave him to the side, and looking at me.
"Hey, {Y/n}, how do you feel about the beach?" He asked.

I grumbled, Can't get a break from this, can I...?
"I dunno, I think it's fun. I like making sandcastles," I said.
He hummed, "Would you wanna go to the beach with Yukako and I? We were planning on inviting Josuke and Okuyasu too," he said.
I sighed, "Ah, so Yukako told you about that... did she also tell you it's a plot to get Josuke and I together, so there's no chance you'll fall for me?"
He chuckled, "No, but that sounds like her. It's not a terrible idea, actually..."

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