Chapter 1 - A new start..

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Katakana's pov:

I was snoring and sleeping in my room when suddenly my twin brother Kaoki shot a soccer ball near the window. Due to my instincts and since I'm somewhat of a light sleeper, I quickly got up and kicked the ball back at him but it resulted me on chipping my toenail and falling off my bed and landed headfirst at the floor of my room.

"Ouch! Kaoki! What was that for?!", I said, annoyed at my twin brother and in pain as I held my head and tow, geez.. what a Prankster.

"Sorry nee san(sister), but we're going to be late to school, Remember?! We got accepted to Raimon!", He said as he was almost ready.

Shoot, I forgot about that! I quickly rushed out to get ready for my first day at school. The pain in my chipped toe was still lurking whilst I got ready, I quickly took a shower, got my unform out, put it on and got my bag which I prepared last night.

(How they look like in uniforms:

My kid step sister we're in school now, good grief

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My kid step sister we're in school now, good grief.. less work for a bit. I got out some toasted sandwiches for both me and Kaoki and we both rushed out of the as I locked it from behind.

My parents or my adoptive parents are away on a business trip and we we're left to watch over each other. Luckily that my mother is friends with the prime minister's daughter, Zaizen Touko whom I looked up to a lot.

Both soccer and kindness, I honestly considers her a family due to her kindness. I practiced my soccer passes and dribbles with Kaoki along the way.

Third person pov:

The twins arrived at school just in time before the bell rang, which means that they may have time to lurk around the area.

The twins quickly rushed to find the soccer club, but on the way they saw.. horror, the soccer club members we're injured and there we're two boys on the field, it looks like a soccer battle of some sorts.

Kaoki insisted that we stand down for now, He Maybe younger than Katakana but he showed clear that if they do enter this cause, they will only injure themselves and possibly cause to make things worse.

Katakana, despite not liking the idea decided to agree since it might be the most logistic option. But she couldn't shake the feeling of that navy haired boy looking familiar..

The twins both decided to stay behind the coach and the soccer counselor/teacher in this school, Miss Otonashi Haruna.

Sooner or later, the chairman and the principal arrived. Otonashi asked if he'll stop this.

"No, I'll allow this contest", He said.

"What a bum, he clearly is blind! That guy isn't skilled enough to take him on!" , Kaoki thought.

"Chairman, are you sure about this?", Principal Fukawa asked.

"That guy is probably a spy from the Fifth sector", the Chairman said only audible to the principal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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A soccer change.. (Tsurugi Kyosuke x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now