08; sports festival

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the sports festival before long stopped by like a glimmer, everybody previously wearing their gym uniforms while you sat at one of the seats and started chugging water

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the sports festival before long stopped by like a glimmer, everybody previously wearing their gym uniforms while you sat at one of the seats and started chugging water. individuals strolling around the colossal field, and guests entering the grounds.

a specific auburn-haired boy sat down next to you, mint gum in hand, offering you one, which you eagerly accepted. "are you ready for later?" heizou questioned, his gaze falling on you.

you shrugged both of your shoulders accordingly while loosening up back to your seat, "i don't know honestly, who knows certain challenges need the pair to kiss," slightly nauseated at the thought.

the statement livened heizou's advantage and a smile pulled upwards all the rage, "oh~ is it your first kiss? did scaramouchy never kiss you on the lips?" he prodded, anticipating a comment from you however, there was just silence.

and silence means 'yes'.

heizou was attempting to come up with words when you deadpanned at him, and there was a moment of stillness. you sassed back at him, "so what if he didn't?"

"then we'll have our first kiss to each other," he realized, making you facepalm, but before you could react, the principal began announcing, bringing everyone to a halt in their conversation.

just a few announcements here and there, welcoming people who come to see and support their children to participate. after a few moments, the sports festival finally began.

amber, the class president advanced up to the front of her schoolmates, "how about we give our all and win that prize!" she was energized followed by chorales of cheers.

he put his hand on your head before entering the field, making you wrinkle your brows in bewilderment. out of nowhere, he started ruffling your hair, totally ruining it as you smacked his hand off your head.

"wish me luck." he smiled and was ready to move away when he recalled something, "no good luck kisses?" heizou questioned, pointing to his cheek.

he expected a kiss on the cheek but instead received a quick smack across the face. "hey!" heizou said, scowling and glaring, but you simply grinned contentedly. "that indicates good luck."

the boy frowned at this and rolled his eyes, "assuming we get that prize, i'll take you out on a date." he announced, which brought your eyebrow up in surprise.

"and what if we didn't?"

"i'll still ask you out regardless—" he couldn't even complete his statement before amber shoved him towards the field. "no more couple banter! wait until you guys win!"

heizou responded with a hum and a wink at you before sprinting up to the field. when the male reconnected with his classmates who were also competing in the class race. amber approached you and took a position next to you.

"you guys are so cute together," amber said, slightly fangirling over the two's previous encounters, eliciting a perplexed y/n from the beside her. "cute? is the last word i want to hear about us from someone.

amber laughed, thinking to herself that y/n had always been this way. the game began before the brunette could say anything further. the students began rushing to the other side of the field to relay the baton as the flare was launched overhead.

bennett, who was in y/n's class, was the first to sprint towards the next person, almost stumbling on nothing while amber and the others cheered him on. however, he was the last to pass the baton to the next person.

your classmates, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind and congratulated him for trying his best. yanfei, who was also racing for your class, got the baton from bennett and began sprinting to outpace the rest, which she accomplished, passing the third-place finisher.

after a few minutes, the last persons were running up to the finish line, and heizou was one among them, waiting for his classmate, ayaka. finally, being the second person to transfer the baton to the next person.

heizou immediately snatched it from her, seeing scaramouche in the lead and running into the field towards the end goal. heizou burned through no time and rushed to get up to catch up to him. it was a piece of cake to him as heizou smiled.

he had a delighted grin on his face when he was able to gaze at scara beside him, indicating that he was secretly competitive.

he insulted the indigo-haired boy, saying, "your tiny legs could never outrun mine."

"fuck off."

even so, heizou continued to ridicule him, infuriating the male beside him to the point when scaramouche lifted his hand and attempted to strike heizou in the face, which the auburn boy easily avoided.

"anger issues? i'd constantly consider how you and y/n wound up together," heizou expressed out of the blue, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. scaramouche immediately sent off himself towards the boy to beat the crap out of him.

scara shoved heizou to the ground, being above him and stopping them from running as the others passed them by rapidly, causing heizou to groan.

"upset now aren't we?" heizou taunted, not even attempting to push him away, but scaramouche ignored him and sneered at him. "you have no idea what you're talking about, so shut up."

two of the professors ran to them and pulled scaramouche away from heizou before he could go any farther. while one aided heizou to his feet, the two were unaware that the game had come to a halt owing to their argument.

you and amber stood there puzzled, seeing the professors lecturing them and scaramouche plainly enraged, but heizou maintained a poker face the entire time.

tragically for scara, he turned out to be disqualified since he was the one that went after heizou. in conclusion, the game restarted for the finalists, and heizou got another opportunity once more.

he can't seem to take his stupid smile away from scaramouche.


chapter written: june 16 2022

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chapter written: june 16 2022

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐎𝐍 / heizou ( ✓ )Where stories live. Discover now