Chapter One: Missing Persons.Com

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"What's so good about picking up the pieces?

What's so good about? What's so good about?

What's so good about picking up the pieces?


I stopped singing and everyone in the cafe clapped. I hopped off of the stool and moved to my boy's, "Hey, someone's got a fan club" Luke eye's a couple guy's who were eyeing me from the corner.

"Get your own slag!" Reece yell's at the two guy's, and hug's me from behind, sending warning glare's at them, "Hey!" I whacked him on the side of the head.

"Woah, someone' over protective or our sister" Jack sang mockingly. Reece rub's the back of his head, it look's like it would hurt, I hope it did. Jerk.

"Hey! What's wrong with that?" Reece ask's, getting defensive.

"Nothing, nothing at all hot stuff" Jack wink's.

"Anyway, thank's for singing up there, babe, we get free food now!" Ty  side hug's me, "What ever" I chuckled.

 "Just give me the chips and no one get's hurt"

"GIVE HER WHAT SHE WANT'S!" Luke scream's in horror, then mockingly throw's the wood basket at me that held the chips and I caught them, "Thank you babe" I winked, then grabbed the tomato sauce bottle and drowned the whole bowl in tomato sauce.

"Well, there goes my source of food" Ty mutter's.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he narrow's his eyes at me, "Hey, we have practice tomorrow"

"YES!" Jack and I yelled, high fiving.

"Then we got National's on Friday"

"Oh my god, that six day's away!" I squealed.

"You're terrible with date's"

"Nah, memories just really shit, I can't even remember my own birthday"

"Twenty sixth of December"

I eyed Reece "Because that isn't creepy at all"

"HEY! You asked!" he defend's, "Doesn't mean you answer it" I chuckled.

I saw the time, "Right see ya Amigos, don't be late for training"

"Dude, we know you're going to be the one that's late"

"I'm not late, everyone's just early" I say in a 'duh' tone. 


"LOVE YOU TO!" I wave to my boy's before I threw my hood over my head and then started to walk home.


A/N: Foot Ball is Soccer for Australians and Americans, but she's British, so she call's it Foot ball... deal with it ladies and gentlemen ^.^


"Mum! Mum! Mum! FIRE! THERE'S A FIRE! MUM!" I screamed on top of my lung's.

My mum brust's through my bed room, with a fire extinguisher, "WHERE?!"

"Right, mum, and I need to talk to you..."

She look's at me, un-amused, "And you didn't even think to just ask me?" she say's sarcastically.

"Nah, I find screaming fire is much more entertaining" she chuckle's and sit's on the end of my bed.

"What is it?"

"Well... there's this boy..."

"OH MY GOSH! MY LITTLE GIRL'S GROWING UP!" she cries and bring's me into a bone crushing hug, "UGH, mum! Can't. Breathe!" I squirmed in her arm's and she laughed.

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