The one that didn't talk but thought...

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Chapter 1-

If you could think about the most important thing to you, every single day, would you fall in love with it, even more? And just one day, just one, it suddenly goes, in the most tragic way......

Alyssa was only 6 years old when she shared her last smile, when she spoke her last word and when she felt just a little bit of joy. That all went away from her when her father told her 2 simple words, 'She's gone'. At that very second before her father told her, she was smileing......but as the 2 words swift through her tiny ears, her smile slowly faded away......

'What do you mean, she's gone?', said Alyssa in the most upsetting voice. 'I mean, she's no longer with us anymore.' replyed Alyssa's father. Alyssa slowing looked down at the wooden floor. Her father walked over slowly to her, he lifted his hand and stroked her cheek. He then dropped his hand down and took a soft grip on Alyssa's hand. 'It's going to be ok' said her father in a qiuet voice. As a tear ran down her fathers face, Alyssa looked up and whiped it away with the edge of her thumb.

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