❀Chapter Sixteen❀

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"Daddy! Daddy! Guess what?" Chanmi said running to Changmin, "Yes sweetheart?" Changmin ask kneeling down, "Uncle Hyunjun was right! The candy here is so good!" Chanmi said jumping around.
"HYUNJUN!" Changmin yelled, "Hey~ changmin" Hyunjun nervously came into the room, "Why did you give my daughter candy?" Changmin death glare him, "I'm-", " Without giving some? We're going back to that store and getting some more" Changmin said picking Chanmi up and walking out the room with Hyunjun following.
"Not gonna lie, the dresses here are so cute. Like at this one" Chanhee said showing Jacob, "you'll like amazing in it!" Jacob said, "No you will, go try it on" Chanhee said handing Jacob the dress and pushing Jacob to the dressing room.
"What do you think?" Chanhee looked up at Jacob, "AHH! You look beautiful! I'm buying it for you. Kevin is going to love it!" Chanhee said as he jumped out his seat, "Don't you need a new dress too?" Jacob said as Chanhee look at his clothing. "You're right, hm which dress?" Chanhee said as he started looking around, Jacob chuckled a little before going to change out the dress. After looking around Chanhee found a light blue off the shoulders dress,

 After looking around Chanhee found a light blue off the shoulders dress,

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Chanhee's dress

Jacob's dress "This one!" Chanhee said holding up the dress, "let's go pay then" Jacob said pushing Chanhee a little, "ohh!~ after this we should go buy Chanmi some new clothes" Chanhee said, "ohh!~ great idea" Jacob agreed

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Jacob's dress
"This one!" Chanhee said holding up the dress, "let's go pay then" Jacob said pushing Chanhee a little, "ohh!~ after this we should go buy Chanmi some new clothes" Chanhee said, "ohh!~ great idea" Jacob agreed.
"We're back!" Chanhee said while opening the door, "Mommy!" Chanmi yelled while running up to Chanhee, "Hey sweetheart" Chanhee said while picking the little girl up, "Where's daddy?" Chanhee ask walking to the table that's in the room, "Him and uncle Hyunjun are sleeping on the couch" Chanmi said pointing to the couch, "I think it was all the candy they had earlier" Chanmi added and Chanhee sigh. "Where's uncle Kevin and uncle Sunwoo?" Jacob ask, "They went to get some food. I think they said pizza" Chanmi said jumping out of Chanhee's arms and going back to coloring.

"Hey idiots! We're back" Chanhee said hitting both of the sleeping males, "ohh, love when did you get here?" Changmin said sitting up, "just a few minutes ago. How did your little sugar rush go?" Chanhee ask, "sugar rush? What sugar rush?" Changmin said, "Don't play dumb with me. Chanmi already told me" Chanhee said sitting down on the bed, "ohh well it was fun while it lasted. How was shopping?" Changmin ask, "it was fun. Ohh! That reminds me, Chanmi guess what?" Chanhee said walking to the table, "what is it?" Chanmi ask, "look inside this bag" Chanhee said handing the bag over, Chanmi looked inside then looked at Chanhee in shock, "For me?" Chanmi ask, "yup, all for you" Chanhee smiled.

"Pizza time!" Sunwoo said as he and Kevin enter the room, "Yay pizza" Chanmi exclaimed.

I'm back finally, sorry for the long wait and sorry for the bad ending I didn't know how to end this chapter so I ended it with pizza.
This chapter was supposed to be up earlier but I got distracted was being on live with my friend but here it is now. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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