Denial, Misery and Action

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The first night in prison was nothing less than hell. Jungkook's thoughts were all over the place, all over his tiny four by four prison cell. Not of him being incarcerated nor for his freedom being taken away. For the fact that he actually believed, he never had a life beyond Hadogje Pa. He was already a slave for his father and his work. But rather, the young man was having a hard time processing the events of the day.

That miserable night that seemed not end, the boy was having a blasting headache trying to understand and come to terms with what is happening. He wished it was a horrible dream. A dream he would wake up from to see Taehyung and Jimin sleeping next to him peacefully. That the betrayal of them both was nothing but a mere nightmare that will go away. The young man didn't believe that it was even possible for them to betray him. How could they. They are the love of his life. They loved him, and he offered everything for them in return. Why would they even do it? The fact that Taehyung was a police officer was not even the issue anymore, but rather an answer to his lingering confusion.

The boy moved from his side to sleep on his back making the cheap metal bed underneath him squeak in the process. Then lifting his hand to brush some of the falling hair from his face. And he noticed a patch of moistness in the ceiling that made his skin crawl. Right then and there, it hit him. It was all over. That his empire had crumbled.

That night, as would be every coming night, sleep was far from reach. Every time he thought of the couple, his heart clutches like if it was inside a fist. His eyes tear up before he stops it from forming any beads of tears to fall into his cheek. He was not going to cry, he was a man, a broken man maybe, but still the head of a gang, and for his position would not allow him to cry for anyone or anything.

Comes the morning, he had to follow the guard fresh out of bed to see a visitor. Jungkook wouldn't even begin to think about who it might be visiting him for he was still processing the situation. He came to a small room that looked like an interrogation room, with a metal table in the middle and a bar fixed on it for the cuffs to be linked to it. However, he knew he would be seeing the lawyer assigned to his case because the guard was on the process of removing the cuffs from his hand. Jungkook hoped that he could hate the cuffs, protest or even be upset at it. However, it made him aroused. It made him think of Taehyung and the first time he told the older boy to tie him up to the chair and he wished it wouldn't. The cold metal against his skin was refreshingly manic. As he observed the guard removing the metal off of him, he couldn't help but notice the ink on his knuckles, and he felt blank. The man couldn't even identify how to feel. It was nostalgia and longing all mixed up with hate and anger. A part of him really wanted Taehyung right at that moment and the other part wanted him dead instead.

As he stepped in the room, there was Erin. The fierce woman who was always by the side of his father, and now, she was here by his side too. He knew it was under the orders of his mother of course.

"So, let's cut to the chase. The situation is fucked up. But we can fix it" Erin said in one breath. Fierce hazel eyes looking at him with determination. Standing to her feet on with her Gucci tight black suite forming an elegant piece of art in his eyes. He can tell how smart and a Haedogje Pa material she is only by looking at her. No wonder he outlived his father. She clearly was more useful than any of his other man. Jungkook thought of how she can be so fucking sure of herself while defending someone as guilty as it gets with a proof hanging in the hands of police.

"They have the hard drives" Jungkook retorted in a low voice. "They have shit, I have Seokjin working on hacking and wiping those drives as we speak. Besides, you are the king of the game now. They don't want you, they want people working for you" Erin said sarcastically. Jungkook looked at her with perplexed eyes. What was she talking about? King of a game. He was in a fucking prison and here she was, looking victorious as if she was hearing his innocence verdict in the court room. He took a deep breath. Sat straight on the cold dreadful chair and asked softly "Erin, please sit down. We have a lot to talk about. And we have a lot to plan". And that was how he spent six hours of his day, skipping breakfast and lunch, speaking to the lioness and understanding the whole situation from the legal point of view. God, how he found the legal system weak and useless. The rules were made to save the innocent that it made it easy for the guilty to run around untouched. Walking back to his room and throwing his body on the bed, looking to that patch on the ceiling, he couldn't help but smile. It was all going to be ok. It was all going to fall to his feet again.

Every perplexity that runs in the mind of the young man now ends up with the question of "how could they". It was breaking every ounce of him. It was consuming every bit of his soul if he had any left in him. Sleep was not coming, and if it did, He would wake up at dawn screaming NO at the full of his lungs. And all he could hear as a comeback was guards telling him to shut the fuck up or inmates cursing at him before rolling in their shitty squeaking beds to go back to sleep. There was no Jimin to hug him and no Taehyung to get him water to calm his nerves. He was all alone. And at that thought, Jungkook finally broke down crying. Holding his hand to his mouth trying not to make a sound and get more curses from the inmates. The homophobic prisoners had their eyes on him since he arrived as is, and he was lucky he was separated from them in a confined cell.

By the time the siren of the morning round blasted the prison, Jungkook's eyes were already open. Red as fire. The love that he defied his father for, was the reason of this treachery. For a moment, all he wanted was for everyone to be dead. He wanted to kill Jimin and Taehyung. And he was going to plan on doing it. However, how can he feel rest if he was not going to do it by himself, with his own bare hands. And better yet, how can he even be able to order on doing it. He hated that part of him that still attached happy memories to the couple. The warmth of their bodies against his and the comfort he found in them after long busy days.

After denial, came his misery. Came the realization of his doomed situation. He wept day and night at the loss of his everything. Yet, no tears were allowed to fall. At some point, he could swear that his heart was bleeding inside of him and it was drowning his breaths. His home, his lovers and his empire, all lost. At this, He felt more human than ever, he was no longer a god but rather a week human being. Or as Jungkook described himself to the shrink that the court assigned for him, he was a pussy. He was a child that betrayed his father's trust and let few commoners like Taehyung and Jimin use him and dump him like trash. And the most disgusting part was that he still loved them, every piece of him adored them.

"What is happiness to you Jungkook, if you would describe it in one memory, what would it be" the shrink asked. And the question got him riled up and frustrated. Was he supposed to mention the day he cried on Taehyung's shoulder while he told him about chess games? Or the time he held Jimin to his chest after facing death in Singapore. If that was love, then he wouldn't admit it. That was a lie and he was stupid to fall to any of it. After long stares to the therapist, he said unblinking "I never knew happiness. I was never happy. I was an heir and then the boss of the most ruthless gang in Seoul. Happiness was not an option to seek in such a life". "Even with Jimin and Taehyung?" Lee said with a rather soft voice than a shrug face that he would actually expect considering the situation. But, he shook his head in a decline. Not wanting to provide more explanation on the matter. It was a relief when she didn't press the matter further but instead, she said the most unbelievable sentence he could hear. "What is your plan Jungkook? You need a plan to go further in life, even if incarcerated. So, I am curious to what your plan is". To that, Jungkook realized that he actually had no plan. It was unlike him. He always had plans and backup plan. Was he this week? Was he this stupid? He couldn't answer Lee's question and they had to move to another topic. But by the time he was back to his cell again. He made it his mission to make a plan. A bigger one than to kill Jimin and Taehyung. It was a plan for survival. He was going to save Haedogje Pa. he was going to be back to the top.

For the next couple of weeks, Jungkook was sick to his stomach to the thought of the couple. As a matter of fact, he found himself hurling his stomach out in his cell at the thought alone. He was disgusted with himself and all he wanted was to die. How can someone die when he is being watched 24/7 in a prison. How can he take his life if his safety was treated as important as a king's due to all the convictions he was going to provide the police with? Everyone wanted a piece of the heir and all he wanted was to die.

In the midst of his misery, of his confinement in the maximum security cell, Jungkook decided to take matters on his own. It was time for him to grow the fuck up and take action.

He was taking into his own hands his life. It was time for change. He accepted the fact of being imprisoned. But that didn't mean he was hopeless or useless. As for now, he was in the mode of planning his next move.

He was going to take it all back and he was not taking a no for answer.

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