Chapter 1 - Mattheo... Who?

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(September 01, 2002)

You opened your eyes, allowing colour to blur into your vision as you took in the room around you. You were lying on your bed in your room, with nothing but a small window and cupboard.  You yawned slightly and shook your head groggily, aching for the tiredness to leave your body.

"Y/n?" A disembodied voice called out from beyond your door, tapping lightly. "Are you up?" 

You straightened yourself up, calling "Yeah, I'm up."

You'd been living with the Potters for four years now, since your parents had died in the battle of Hogwarts. Harry had taken you in and later married Ginny Weasley; They were something of guardians to you, but the term 'parents' didn't sit right either.

Dragging yourself out of bed, you walk over to your cupboard and pulled it open, searching for something to wear. Looking through your clothes, you decided to wear a floral mini skirt and your favourite blue sweater.

(Your attire:)

You then walked to the door and twisted the knob, pulling it closed behind you, before proceeding to the kitchen where Harry and Ginny were already sitting

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You then walked to the door and twisted the knob, pulling it closed behind you, before proceeding to the kitchen where Harry and Ginny were already sitting.

"Good morning Y/n." Harry smiled at you.

"Morning," You replied, taking a seat at the table, which was laid with several plates of pancakes and a variety of toppings. You were both slightly ashamed and pleased to see that Harry and Ginny had waited for you.

"So, are you excited to finally go to Hogwarts, Y/n?" Ginny asked you, to which you nodded in response. You'd heard tales of Hogwarts from your parents before their death, and the fun they'd had during their time there. You were looking forward to finally seeing what all the excitement was about; You didn't know anyone your own age, at least anyone that was remotely interesting.

"We're planning to leave for the station in half an hour or so," Harry interjected. You noticed he always did that, as though he suspected tension between you and Ginny. You rolled your eyes fondly; His assumption was and had always been wrong. Ginny was a perfectly pleasant woman, and you'd been glad to see Harry find someone. 

You pick up your Hogwarts letter, which had sat, since you received it in June, on the table, and you would read it every day. You ran your fingers down the page, a smile forming in the corner of your mouth.

Dear Ms. Lupin,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 01. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Somehow, reading it made you feel somewhat closer to your parents.  You weren't sure why.

"Shall we go then?" You asked. Your trunk had been packed with all your new belongs (Robes, Spell books, Potion ingredients, etc.)  for the past two weeks.

"I don't see any harm in arriving early," Harry smiled, whilst his red-haired wife nodded.

"Thanks," You replied, racing out the door, eager to board the train.

And there it was. You stood, at last, before the Hogwarts Express, gleaming like scarlet and obsidian on the poorly lit station, thick black steam billowing from above.

You couldn't help but smile, having waved goodbye to Harry and Ginny a few moments prior.

"Well, go on, then," A voice rang out in your ear, causing you to jump. "You can't wait forever."

You turned to face the speaker. She was a girl, around twelve, you thought, with reddish-brown hair and silver eyes.

"Elise, Elise Frederickson." She said, extending a hand.

"Y/n Lupin." You replied coolly, taking her hand in yours.

"Lupin?" She asked you, eyes wide. "As in ex-defence against the dark arts professor, marauder, and hero of the battle of Hogwarts?"

"Yes?" You said uncertainly.

"No. Way." She smiled, squeezing your hand, which she was still clutching. "My father fought in the battle too, he speaks very highly of Remus. I'm sorry for your loss though, father old me he didn't make it."

Your smiled faltered a bit, it wasn't your favourite topic.

Elise had clearly noticed this, because she tugged your hand and said "Let's go find a seat, before all the good ones are taken."

With that, she dragged you off as you laughed along behind her. My first friend, you thought. You hoped.

What you did not expect was for students to be bustling up and down the crowded corridors. Elise looked at you, frowning. "Is this... normal?" You asked.

She shrugged, as puzzled as you were. Currently you stood at the back of a sea of students, new or returning you did not know, and you were almost certain some sort of commotion was ongoing. Mostly for the icy voices you heard coming from the heart of it all.

"I'm warning you, Parekh. If you don't get out of my way right now, I won't hesitate to hex you."  The voice you heard first belonged to a male, you took note of this.

"Is that a threat, Riddle?" The second boy (Parekh?) cooed.

"I wouldn't count on it." Elise muttered, at the same time as the Riddle boy replied in a cruel laugh, "No. Consider it a promise."

"That's not bloody likely, now, is it?" Parekh taunts.

At this remark, the crowd breaks apart, having sensed danger, leaving two boys facing one another in the middle, each with wand in hand. One of them is tall and slender, with fair skin, dark hair and hazel eyes. Your eyes linger over him for a moment, absorbing his details. He looks at you, and scowls upon noticing you're staring. You blush slightly, embarrassed. The second boy was much less handsome, you thought, with dirty-blonde hair and green eyes.

The first boys gaze returns to the other, and he inches his wand higher.

"Flipendo!" The boy shouts a spell, sending the other flying into a compartment wall. He stumbles to his feet for a moment, attempting to regain his balance.

"And that was just a small taster, Acniad. Don't make the same mistake twice." He threatens, pocketing his wand and walking away.

"You'll pay for this, Mattheo!" Acniad shouts, limping after him. "Don't you know who my father is?!"

When you can no longer hear his shouting, you turn to face Elise.

"Who was that?" You breathe, unsure if you should be in awe or frightened of what you've witnessed.

"Mattheo," Elise says grimly. "Mattheo Riddle."

"Mattheo... Who?" You repeat.


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