10: Business dinner

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Waking up early in the morning to eat breakfast was never my thing

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Waking up early in the morning to eat breakfast was never my thing. I would wake up so late on a day with no school and practically sleep in till like late mornings.

Another thing about living alone is you can eat whenever, however, and whatever you want to eat. Sometimes I'll eat breakfast others I'll just make some cereal. Sometimes I won't eat until dinner and before dinner just eat snacks.

Here though is different

I was peacefully sleeping until Giovanni came and woke me up. Yes, Giovanni I'm mad at him so he gets the full name. It's so early in the morning and this dude is waking me up.

"Let's go Scarlett. Get up now." He says with a sigh

I bet he's tired of my shit

Good. That's what he gets.

I just snuggle into my covers even more knowing I'm pissing him off even more with these actions.

He sighs again and it's quiet for a second before he yells and startles me "DAD, COME UP HERE SCARLETT WONT WAKE UP!!"

I turn my head towards him and he's looking back at me with a smile. A teasing smile. A challenge look in his eyes.

Dude I ain't scared.

Okay maybe a little-

I hear footsteps in the halls and when I turn my body around but still stay under the covers, I look up at my door and see Alexander walking in.

How'd he come here so fast?

He looks between me and  Giovanni with a blank expression and then connects his eyes with Giovanni's again but this time for longer timing.

Then Giovanni leaves the room. Oh. How the fuck can people do that. They practically just communicated with each other through their eyes. Like no head tilt or eyes moving. Just blank. Weird.

Alexander than looks at me and walks closer to my bed. I twist my body around and hide under the covers so he can't get me.

"Scarlett get up now please"


"Scarlett" he says this time with a stern voice

Ooo papa bear getting mad

But I'm not getting out anytime soon.

"Nooooo" I tell him while peeking out of the covers that were over my head.

When I see him he's just standing at the foot of my bed looking at me.

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