Feet Monster

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     "Stooooppp" he whines sitting on the foot of the bed.
"It's cold!"
     I try to contain my laughs "but your warm" I whine back as
I continue to shove my ice cold feet up his legs of his pants.
     As fast as lighting he's stood up. "Baby your feet are cold"
     "I know I'm trying to warm them up" I reply
     He looks at me with concerned eyes " that's why you where socks." He said in his whiny tone. "I where socks. That's why my feet aren't cold!"
     He sits back down laughing, holding the hem of his shorts tight to his skin.
"Try doing it now, bet you can't." he says laughing.
     I took that as a challenge. I started shoving my feet though the skin tight hold he had on his shorts.
     "Baaaabbyyy" he whines again.
     "Fine" I said rolling my eyes "big baby"
I look him in his concern looking eyes. I couldn't  help but laugh as I put the covers back over my feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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