Chapter 1 : When I looked into the mirror (1)

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'I need pick up a shield.... Why am I suddenly in pain?'

A sudden sharp pain went through Cale's body. Was it because he was falling asleep in the study? No that's not right. What is it if that's not the case? Suddenly a different type of pain came. It was different from the first shock. It made him...Sleepy. It didn't take long for him to pass out though.

[Player 'Cale Henituse/Thames (Kim Rok soo) has been registered]


"mmm." A small groan came from the red head who was slowly waking up.

'Did Ron take me to my room?' The red head thought to his self as 'he' got up from the bed only to realize that that the pain is gone! Now is not the time to celebrate though! 'His' pants fell off!!!

"huh?" Cale quickly pulled backup the fallen pants only to realize... That 'his' chest is heavy! Unfortunately he ignored it and headed to the bathroom only to be in for a big surprise..

"W-What.." Cale muttered in shock as he looked at the beautiful figure on the mirror, only to find out that was him. Long wavy hair that almost went down to her knees. Beautiful pale skin. A skinny body, but not to skinny. One would be lying if they said she didn't look like a goddess.

(sorry! Im not to good at describing things like this.. AND WARS!!!)

"h-how" This situation.. was more shocking than the whole transmigration thing. Why and how was he turned into a girl!? Why was it that he suddenly felt stronger! It's only been one day since the transmigration. Why is that something crazy already happened!!!

'... Should I call Ron.. I-' Suddenly a blue screen popped up in front of the red head interrupting her thoughts.

[Welcome player Cale Henituse/Thames (Kim rok soo)] (I'll put krs for now on.)

'Player..? And what's with the system? I don't remember reading anything about a system in the novel.'

[Yes. The gods has chosen you to be the new player.]

'...Gods.. Those damn gods.. I bet that they're the reason I'm in this situation!' Cale thought in anger.

[Yes. The Gods has given you some gifts in this system too. Before you can get the gifts you have to pick a color.]

'Gifts?... Wait color? Do you mean for the system?'


'What are my options?'

[Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, (AN: It's a rainbow 😂) Brown, Grey, Silver, Gold]


'That's a lot of choices...I pick.. Silver, I can use it as a flashlight if I ever need it.' Once the red head picked a color, the white and silver screen had showed something that looks like a gift box. The redhead had a feeling that she had to click it. Once she clicked the gift box, The white and silver screen showed a list of things.

[??? Has gifted you 30,000 coins
??? Has gifted you 5,000 coins
??? Has gifted you 20,000 coins
??? Has gifted you 12,000 coins
??? Has gifted you 1,000 coins
??? Has gifted you a strength buff
(your strength is now stronger than the average human. Also without changing your physical form!)
??? Has gifted you ....
??? Has gifted you ....
??? Has gifted you ....
??? Has.....
??? Has.....
??? Has.....(AN : x20 damnit!)]

'Coins? Like money maybe? Hmm.. A strength buff.. That's not good, what if Ron notices..... Oh! There are some weapons and items to... !? Huh!? Some of these are things from earth..-' The red heads thoughts we're cut off by a notification from the system.

[Would you like to go to the shop]

'No, I'll wait and check it out later.' With that the system disappeared. 'As much as I don't want to.. I have to call Ron..'


It didn't even take that long for Ron to come. As soon as he heard someone yelling his name from the young masters room. He had rushed over. Little did hen know that he was going to be in for a surprise.

"Young mast-! Who.." What Ron saw was something he never would've expected. A woman. A red haired woman. She looked like the late countess but also.. Kinda like Cale if he was woman.




Do you want me to continue?

Do you guys like it so far..?

It will be my first time making something like this.. So, sorry is it's not good.

Please tell me about any spelling errors!


Made - June, 11, 2022
Words - 741

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