✿ hot demon boyfriend ✿

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~ seungmin in the building - is calling ~

"what do you want seungmin? i was about to summon a hot demon boyfriend who could fuck the brains out of me," minho pouted like a little kid.

"are you fucking serious? you're actually gonna do it? i thought you were joking! and tmi." seungmin scoffed.

"of course i'm gonna do it! why wouldn't i? i bought all the books and i've been studying them, and tonight i'm gonna do it," minho smiled.

"you're absolutely crazy," seungmin laughed. "anyways, do you wanna hear a tmi since you just shared?"

"that wasn't tmi. and yes of course. i feel like you're lying about sharing a tmi, since you would never, but spill." minho laughed.

"okay, so you know that boy i've had a tiny crush on?"

"tiny crush? bitch you're obsessed with him, you even went to the gym for a week straight so you could see him work out, but yes, continue." minho shook his head. seungmin's face grew with blush.

"well, i'm at his house right now and uh, we went on a date," seungmin said, smiling like a small puppy.

"oh my god! you can pull bitches, i'd never expect it," minho rolled his eyes. "don't get your back blown out, hehe."

"don't act like you're not about to summon a demon just so he can fuck you," seungmin giggled.

"shut upp! anyways, since we're on facetime, do you think i look hot?" minho asked, propping his phone up and standing away from it so seungmin could see his whole body.

"yeah! you look nice, i'm sure any demon that sees you would want to just rip you apart," seungmin smiled sarcastically. seungmin looked up at someone who had just entered the room.

"oh god, is that changbin?" minho asked.

"y-yeah, heh," seungmin smiled.

"who are you talking to?" changbin asked, sitting next to seungmin, cuddling up to him.

"it's minho, say hii!" seungmin blushed.

"hi minho," changbin laughed.

"hi, don't steal my best friend from me please, and make sure he can walk tomorrow, i want to go shopping with him." minho complained.

"i won't."

"okay good, now bye seungmin! i have to summon a hot demon!" minho smiled.

"bye minho, love ya!" seungmin giggled.

"love you too!" minho said, hanging up.

"okay, now I have to summon a demon.." minho sighed to himself. he grabbed the red chalk and drew a pentagram. he put a candle at each point and finally sat in front of the pentagram. he put the book in front of him, turning to the page he needed. he sighed to himself again, grabbing the knife that was by his side.

"i really fucking hope this goes well." he whispered, closing his eyes tight as he ran the knife down his arm, creating a shallow cut, but deep enough to bleed. he let the blood drip into the middle of the pentagram and started to read the chant from the book. as he started to read a breeze from nowhere started to rise. there were random whispers in his ears, louder than ever. his chanting got louder, barely being able to hear himself over the voices in his ears.

suddenly, everything stopped. the wind, the voices, the chanting. everything came to an abrupt stop. minho looked up and rose to his feet.

"uhm.. hi, i'm lee minho," minho bowed. "wait.. i know you! my god you're so hot- i-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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